javascript Programming Glossary: httprequest
Javascript and AJAX, only works when using alert() it it just doesn't work. Thanks for the help. function httpRequest var xmlhttp if window.XMLHttpRequest code for IE7 Firefox Chrome.. 'reg_form' .insertBefore errorDiv regFormDiv var xmlhttp httpRequest var available new Array xmlhttp.onreadystatechange function..
How do i load a JSON object from a file with ajax? file and parse it function fetchJSONFile path callback var httpRequest new XMLHttpRequest httpRequest.onreadystatechange function if.. path callback var httpRequest new XMLHttpRequest httpRequest.onreadystatechange function if httpRequest.readyState 4 if.. XMLHttpRequest httpRequest.onreadystatechange function if httpRequest.readyState 4 if httpRequest.status 200 var data JSON.parse..
Why does the preflight OPTIONS request of an authenticated CORS request work in Chrome but not Firefox? el.getAttribute 'data public key' url 'https ' httpRequest new XMLHttpRequest handler function if httpRequest.readyState.. ' httpRequest new XMLHttpRequest handler function if httpRequest.readyState 4 if httpRequest.status 200 console.log httpRequest.responseText.. handler function if httpRequest.readyState 4 if httpRequest.status 200 console.log httpRequest.responseText else console.log..
Load javascript async, then check DOM loaded before executing callback the requests above are actually compressed into one httpRequest using a minifier. They are left separate here for readability...
Ajax won't get past readyState 1, why? url callback if window.XMLHttpRequest Mozilla Safari ... httpRequest new XMLHttpRequest else if window.ActiveXObject IE httpRequest.. new XMLHttpRequest else if window.ActiveXObject IE httpRequest new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP else return false httpRequest.onreadystatechange.. new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP else return false httpRequest.onreadystatechange function console.log httpRequest.readyState..