javascript Programming Glossary: human
rails and backbone working together thrown away the views and what they represent. Stateful humans stateless machines This is actually more important than it.. seem. HTML views represent the stateless interface that humans use for accessing the RESTful resources your service provides... Doing away with them leaves you with two access points For humans a rich client side interface provided by the backbone.js layer..
JavaScript data formatting/pretty printer a way to 'pretty print' a JavaScript data structure in a human readable form for debugging. I have a rather big and complicated.. a nice way to dump a JavaScript data structure to a human readable string. JSON would do but it really needs to be nicely..
JavaScript/jQuery method to find base URL from a string well sorry this why we use code minimizers code should be human readable and this way is better... in my opinion. pathArray..
Google SEO and hidden elements same as background color thus making it invisible to the human eye sources i read it in a book a long time ago. there are sites..
Implementing Mozilla's toSource() method in Internet Explorer used' or less stringent if the need is for simple benign human consumption to view an object's internals. A primary JSON feature..
Tell bots apart from human visitors for stats? bots apart from human visitors for stats I am looking to roll my own simple web stats.. major obstacle on the road as far as I can see is telling human visitors apart from bots. I would like to have a solution for.. bots will do similar things but bots will do things that humans don't. Let's try to identify those things. Before we look at..
How to pass JavaScript variables to PHP? ' between option option tags you can output something more human friendly like row 'name' if table salaried have one select..
How Does Appcelerator Titanium Mobile Work? we can now however start to optimize things that a human really couldn't easily do that much like the GCC compiler already..
Why does typeof NaN return 'number'? keeps my head spinning. If someone can translate this in human as opposed to say mathematician readable language I would be..
What algorithm does Readability use for extracting text from URLs? accuracy. There seems to be a linguistic law underlying in human language that is also but not exclusively manifest in Web page.. which have more than about 10 words. It appears that humans choose from two types of text short and long measured by the..
Getting the closest string match here Fuzzy String Matching is the process of performing a human like estimation of the similarity of two words or phrases. In..
Convert milliseconds (or seconds) into human readable form milliseconds or seconds into human readable form I want a JavaScript library or code snippet for.. library or code snippet for converting time into human readable form. The function should receive seconds or milliseconds..
Difference between application/x-javascript and text/javascript content types meaning where possible. text MIME types are intended for human readable content JavaScript is not designed to directly convey.. JavaScript is not designed to directly convey meaning to humans . Note that using application javascript in the type attribute..
Databinding in angularjs are slow Anything faster than 50ms is imperceptible to humans and thus can be considered as instant . limited You can't really.. show more than about 2000 pieces of information to a human on a single page. Anything more than that is really bad UI and.. single page. Anything more than that is really bad UI and humans can't process this anyway. So the real question is this How..
Ways to save Backbone.js model data? the resources as nouns which make URIs easy to read and human friendly. Are you still with me So let's get back to thinking..
JavaScript: What are .extend and .prototype used for? base class. So you can do something like extend Fighter Human And the Fighter constructor object will inherit the prototype.. Fighter constructor object will inherit the prototype of Human so if you define methods such as live and die on Human then.. of Human so if you define methods such as live and die on Human then Fighter will also inherit those. share improve this answer..
Human readable javascripts in chrome developer tools readable javascripts in chrome developer tools does anybody..
why module pattern? I can get the same behavior without using it. function Human private properties var _name '' var _age 0 private methods function.. '' var _age 0 private methods function created console.log Human _name called public this.setName function name _name name created.. this.setName function name _name name created var h1 new Human h1.setName John So what are the real advantage of a module pattern..