javascript Programming Glossary: hypotenuse
Choosing an OOP pattern in javascript Pattern 1 Object Based var mouseDiff startPoint x 0 y 0 hypotenuse function a b do something init function do something mouseDiff.init.. MouseDiff this.startPoint x 0 y 0 MouseDiff.prototype.hypotenuse function a b do something MouseDiff.prototype.init function.. closure var MouseDiff2 function var startPoint x 0 y 0 var hypotenuse function a b do something return hypotenuse hypotenuse init..
jQuery plugin to make an element orbit another? [closed] angled triangle var a s_x p_x o s_y p_y Calculate the hypotenuse radius and the angle separating the objects var r Math.sqrt..
Label outside arc (Pie chart) d3.js You can use the Pythagorean Theorem to calculate the hypotenuse which is the length of the line from the center of the pie to.. d var c arc.centroid d x c 0 y c 1 pythagorean theorem for hypotenuse h Math.sqrt x x y y return translate x h labelr ' ' y h labelr..