

javascript Programming Glossary: httpresponse

Asyncronous forms with bootstrap and django


newOption.id json simplejson.dumps response return HttpResponse json mimetype text json else pass The response dict that we..

a better way to do ajax in django


Ajax requests # otherwise handle 'normal' requests return HttpResponse 'Hello world' The above methods don't really do it differently..

i want to call a java class from the worklight adapter


Core Version 2.0 try Request the Root Services document HttpResponse rootServicesResponse HttpUtils.sendGetForSecureDocument server.. Core Version 2.0 Access to the Service Providers catalog HttpResponse catalogResponse HttpUtils.sendGetForSecureDocument server..

Django authentication and Ajax - URLs that require login


json simplejson.dumps 'not_authenticated' True return HttpResponse json mimetype 'application json' return wrapper Here is the.. request module_slug action # Etc ... return HttpResponse json mimetype 'application json' And here is the JavaScript..

Cross domain POST query using Cross-Origin Resource Sharing getting no data back


to OPTIONS is elif request.method OPTIONS response HttpResponse response 'Access Control Allow Origin' response 'Access Control.. way to do things is this if request.method POST response HttpResponse simplejson.dumps data mimetype 'application json' response 'Access.. return response elif request.method OPTIONS response HttpResponse response 'Access Control Allow Origin' response 'Access Control..

How can you make a vote-up-down button like in Stackoverflow?


pk request.POST 'id' except Answer.DoesNotExist return HttpResponse 'success' 'false' try vote Vote.objects.get answer answer user.. request.user except Vote.DoesNotExist pass else return HttpResponse 'success' 'false' if request.POST 'type' 'up' answer.score answer.score.. answer user request.user type request.POST 'type' return HttpResponse 'success' 'true' 'score' answer.score else raise Http404 'What..

How to POST a django form with AJAX & jQuery


msg GET petitions are not allowed for this view. return HttpResponse msg JavaScript function saveNote noteObj saveNote noteObj Saves..

What does formatResult and formatItem options do in JQuery Autocomplete?


To format your array as jquery would like it return HttpResponse ' '.join your_array mimetype 'text plain' Here is an example..

Openlayers write and save a KML based on your map


public void ProcessRequest HttpContext context HttpResponse response context.Response string kml context.Request kml string..