javascript Programming Glossary: http.createserver not found 'express' http require 'http' var app express var server http.createServer app var io require '' .listen server ... server.listen..
Node http proxy with proxytable and websockets or if you've manually created the server with http.createServer . In other words websockets should just work through the proxy..
Auto-reload of files in Node.js function content process.compile content script_name http.createServer .listen 8080 And in the app.js file I have var file..
Get and Set a Single Cookie with Node.js HTTP Server need to pull in a third party lib var http require 'http' http.createServer function request response response.writeHead 200 'Content Type'.. parts.shift .trim unescape parts.join ' ' return list http.createServer function request response To Read a Cookie var cookies parseCookies..
What is the difference between dnode and nowjs? passed to DNode is a handler not unlike the one passed to http.createServer . It has two parameters client can be used to access the functions.. It must be passed when initializing NowJS var server http.createServer function req response fs.readFile __dirname ' now client.html'..
how to use jQuery ajax calls with node.js alert data script body html and var http require 'http' http.createServer function req res console.log 'request received' res.writeHead.. format. For example node.js code var http require 'http' http.createServer function req res console.log 'request received' res.writeHead..
Basic Ajax send/receive with node.js hello world goodbye world console.log server initialized http.createServer function request response console.log request recieved var string.. 'fs' url require 'url' choices hello world goodbye world http.createServer function request response var path url.parse request.url .pathname..
NodeJS + simple Client/Server example not working 'sys' respcont fs.readFileSync 'testclient.js' server http.createServer function req res res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'text html'..
Socket.IO basic example not working var http require 'http' io require '' server http.createServer function req res res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'text html'.. localhost 8090 in your browser. var fs require 'fs' server http.createServer function req res fs.readFile __dirname ' index.html' 'utf 8'..
NodeJS server incrementing variable by two for every request behaving the way it is var http require 'http' var i 0 http.createServer function req res res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'text plain'..