javascript Programming Glossary: htdocs
uploading, processing, storing and delivering user-provided files and images md5 useFiles 'index' 'name' 12 ' ' would result in var www htdocs uploaded 1 97e262286853 d52aa8c58eb7 f0431f03 4.2. Database..
$.post not posting data it shows an error..Notice Undefined index ans in C xampp htdocs healthqueens hello ajax.php on line 3 and the print of session..
Loading javascript into a UIWebView from resources pathForResource @ index ofType @ html inDirectory @ htdocs NSString html NSString stringWithContentsOfFile htmlPath .. NSURL fileURLWithPath NSString stringWithFormat @ @ htdocs NSBundle mainBundle bundlePath And this should be the results..
Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP but it's not cross-domain ajax request #userBarSignup .click function .get C xampp htdocs webname resources templates signup.php params function response.. this error XMLHttpRequest cannot load file C xampp htdocs webname resources templates signup.php. Cross origin requests.. get request to a file e.g. change the line .get C xampp htdocs webname resources templates signup.php to read something like..