javascript Programming Glossary: http
event.preventDefault() vs. return false not stop the event from bubbling up . Source John Resig http www.mail jquery msg71371.html..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events to use pagebeforeshow event. Here's a working example http Gajotres Q3Usv to demonstrate this problem. Few.. events transition order First all events can be found here http category events Lets say we have a page.. page is removed from the DOM Page loading jsFiddle example http Gajotres QGnft If AJAX is not enabled some events..
.prop() vs .attr() calls will break if i switch to 1.6 UPDATE See this fiddle http maniator JpUF2 The console logs the getAttribute..
JavaScript for detecting browser language preference is obtained via javascript. What they do affect is the HTTP 'Accept Language' header but it appears this value is not available.. http that will return you the HTTP request headers via JSONP. Note this is a hack only to be used..
Reference: Why does the PHP (or other server side) code in my Javascript not work? separate parts the server side and the client side . HTTP request browser web server Javascript PHP etc. .. side HTML CSS Javascript The two sides communicate via HTTP requests and responses. PHP is executed on the server and outputs.. ends and nothing will happen on the server until a new HTTP request comes in. The example code executes like this script..
Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as `getElementById` not find the element? script this syntax is used to allow the script to load via HTTPS on a page with protocol https and to load the HTTP version.. via HTTPS on a page with protocol https and to load the HTTP version on a page with protocol http It has the unfortunate..
Accessing the web page's HTTP Headers in JavaScript the web page's HTTP Headers in JavaScript How do I access a page's HTTP response.. HTTP Headers in JavaScript How do I access a page's HTTP response headers via JavaScript Related to this question which.. which was modified to ask about accessing two specific HTTP headers. Related How do I access the HTTP request header fields..
How do I send a cross-domain POST request via JavaScript? In postHere.php setup the following switch _SERVER 'HTTP_ORIGIN' case 'http' case 'https' header 'Access..' header 'Access Control Allow Origin '. _SERVER 'HTTP_ORIGIN' header 'Access Control Allow Methods GET PUT POST DELETE.. need to allow that as well. MDN has a great write up about HTTP access control that goes into detail of how the entire flow..
Abort Ajax requests using jQuery the documentation abort Method MSDN . Cancels the current HTTP request. abort MDC . If the request has been sent already this..
How can I make a redirect page in jQuery/JavaScript? and window.location.replace ... will best simulate an HTTP redirect. It is better than using window.location.href because.. on a link use location.href . If you want to simulate an HTTP redirect use location.replace . For example similar behavior.. use location.replace . For example similar behavior as an HTTP redirect window.location.replace http similar..
What do I do if I want a JavaScript version of sleep()?
Frame Buster Buster … buster code needed the attacker's control that server serves up a page with HTTP status code 204 which does not cause the browser to navigate..
Is Http Streaming Comet possible in Safari? Http Streaming Comet possible in Safari By HTTP Streaming Comet..
Is “long polling” the most efficient way to create a Web Real Time App? to create this real time application Flash Long polling Http Streaming or anything else Thanks javascript flash streaming..
What are the typical reasons Javascript developed on Firefox fails on IE? [closed] dom manipulation from YUI 2 I use YUI Loader and the XML Http Request and on one page I use psupload which depends on JQuery...
tail -f in a webbrowser or another web framework. It is very easy to implement Http Web server functionality using sockets. Whenever an Http GET.. Http Web server functionality using sockets. Whenever an Http GET request is coming serve only the difference from the different..
IE closing just opened popup window [closed] Content Disposition attachment . I built and configured a Http Handler that manages a .pdf verb. The handler does exactly what.. did but in a ProcessRequest method thus implementing IHttpHandler . In this way IE thinks the Url requested is in fact..
Http request with node? request with node How do I make a Http request with node.js.. request with node How do I make a Http request with node.js that is equivalent to this code curl X..
How to differentiate Ajax requests from normal Http requests? to differentiate Ajax requests from normal Http requests I am using JSF framework in my application. I need.. i need to run the script if the request triggered is a Http request i should not run that script. Can anyone please help.. Ajax requests have usually a X Requested With XMLHttpRequest request header. In JSF you can obtain the request headers..
What good ways are there to prevent cheating in JavaScript multiplayer games? on your multiplayer game for added security. Use multiple Http https ws channels to validate a client as being official acting..
Parsing JSONP Response in Javascript when 4xx or 5xx Http Error Code is Present JSONP Response in Javascript when 4xx or 5xx Http Error Code is Present I am implementing an application which..