

javascript Programming Glossary: determining

How can I detect with JavaScript/jQuery if the user is currently active on the page?


. Edit #2 So everyone is clear this is not at all for determining if the user is logged in authenticated or anything. Right now..

Get the element with the highest occurrence in an array


occurrence in an array I'm looking for an elegant way of determining which element has the highest occurrence mode in a JavaScript..

JavaScript string newline character?


encoding . I don't think you really need to do much of any determining though. If you just want to split the text on newlines you could..

How to determine a 'line-height' using Javascript (jQuery)?


a bit gross but it will work just fine for things like determining the correct height of an element based on some number of text..

Choosing and activating the right controls on an AJAX-driven site


see what events are attached to what which is crucial when determining what we need to trigger. For example for that node I see That..

JavaScript: How to detect that the Internet connection is offline?


to draw a good conclusion about what's going on. So again determining the state of the internet connection as a whole may be more..

Determine original size of image cross browser?


browser Is there a reliable framework independent way of determining the physical dimensions of a img src 'xyz.jpg' resized on the..

Get computed font-family in JavaScript


and consorts. As you can see in the other question determining the font size works cross browser now. Now I am having trouble..

How do you determine equality for two JavaScript objects?


and these each would all be required to have a means of determining equality. Further complicating things is that in Javascript..

How can I determine the current line number in JavaScript?


number in JavaScript Does JavaScript have a mechanism for determining the line number of the currently executing statement and if..

jQuery or javascript to find memory usage of page


is considered dynamic and should be your main focus when determining your limit. But there is no easy way to summarize them. You..

jQuery UI sortable: determining in what order the items are


UI sortable determining in what order the items are Here is an interesting use of JavaScript..

How to check if a custom protocol supported


way of achieving this. There's certainly no method of pre determining whether or not the protocol handler is installed. Internet Explorer..

How do I get the name of an object's type in JavaScript?


to do that here is a discussion on the various ways of determining types in JavaScript... I recently updated this to be a bit more..

How best to determine if an argument is not sent to the JavaScript function


to the JavaScript function I have now seen 2 methods for determining if an argument has been passed to a JavaScript function. I'm..

How to insert text at the current caret position in a textarea


ch The 2 things I have been having a problem with is determining the position of the caret and creating a new string with the..

Getting the current GMT world time


if the page is big. You might be able to save some time by determining how far off from GMT the user's clock is and just adjusting..

Browser-independent way to detect when image has been loaded


by @ChrisKempen ... Here is a non event driven way of determining if the images are broken after the DOM is loaded. This code..

window.onbeforeunload in Chrome: what is the most recent fix?


so that I can put AJAX in there or b get some other way of determining that a window has closed in Chrome javascript onbeforeunload..

Determining a page is outdated on github pages


a page is outdated on github pages Github pages sets very aggressive..

Determining image file size + dimensions via Javascript?


image file size dimensions via Javascript As part of a web..

Determining if a javascript object has a given property


if a javascript object has a given property If I want to test..

Determining when scrolled to bottom of a page with Javascript


when scrolled to bottom of a page with Javascript I'm trying..

Internationalization in Javascript


the API in environments where it doesn't already exist. Determining the user's preferred language remains a problem since there's..

Determining position of the browser window in JavaScript?


position of the browser window in JavaScript For various silly..

get image height and width in file tag javascript [duplicate]


in file tag javascript duplicate Possible Duplicates Determining image file size dimensions via Javascript How to upload preview..

get image height and width in file tag using javascript [duplicate]


get image height and width in file tag javascript Determining image file size dimensions via Javascript How to upload preview..

Determining what jQuery .ajax() resolves a string of redirects to


what jQuery .ajax resolves a string of redirects to I'm aware..