javascript Programming Glossary: detecting
JavaScript for detecting browser language preference for detecting browser language preference I have been trying to detect the..
Detect element content changes with jQuery and detects changes on form elements but is there a way of detecting when a DOM element's content was changed This does not work..
What does “use strict” do in JavaScript, and what is the reasoning behind it? in Perl hence the name it helps you make fewer errors by detecting more things that could lead to breakages. share improve this..
Detect URLs in text with JavaScript in text with JavaScript Does anyone have suggestions for detecting URLs in a set of strings arrayOfStrings.forEach function string..
onbeforeunload support detection a way to detect if onbeforeunload is supported without detecting the particular browser name javascript share improve this.. I wrote about a more or less reliable inference for detecting event support in modern browsers some time ago. You can see..
Detecting Back Button/Hash Change in URL pages using AJAX I have it set up to allow bookmarking by detecting the hash in the URL. general functions function getUrl u return..
Javascript: Collision detection it will be great to implement some rude collision detecting technique e.g. bounding rectangles and a more accurate one if.. cells. Therefore to detect the collision you are detecting the cells occupied by the ball get the objects from those cells.. get the objects from those cells and use your collision detecting function. To speed it up even more you can implement 2d tree..
Most efficient method of detecting/monitoring DOM changes? efficient method of detecting monitoring DOM changes I need an efficient mechanism for detecting.. monitoring DOM changes I need an efficient mechanism for detecting changes to the DOM. Preferably cross browser but if there's..
Javascript that detects Firebug? that detects Firebug What's a surefire way of detecting whether a user has Firebug enabled javascript firebug share..
Detect iPad users using jQuery? this question The following should help you out with detecting an iPad user var isiPad navigator.userAgent.match iPad i null..
detecting line-breaks with jQuery? line breaks with jQuery is it possible to have jQuery javascript..
Choosing Mobile Web HTML5 Framework [closed] coding is fairly straight forward. It uses CSS classes for detecting the appropriate animations and interactions. Sencha Touch almost..
How can I detect which font was used in a web page? for people wondering why I want to do this The font I am detecting contains glyphs not available in other fonts and when the user..
Cross-browser method for detecting the scrollTop of the browser window browser method for detecting the scrollTop of the browser window What is the best cross..
Detect if device is iOS iDevice i iOS true break The most common way of detecting the iOS version is by parsing it from the User Agent string..
Catch browser's “zoom” event in JavaScript you can attempt to implement it. I ™ve found two ways of detecting the zoom level. One way to detect zoom level changes relies..
Detect IE version in Javascript endif head And add some simple script function use strict Detecting IE var oldIE if 'html' .is '.ie6 .ie7 .ie8' oldIE true if oldIE..
JavaScript. Solution to detect mobile browser [duplicate] 600 return true else return false Reference Detecting Browser and Devices with javascript share improve this answer..
Detecting an “invalid date” Date instance in JavaScript an &ldquo invalid date&rdquo Date instance in JavaScript I'd..
Detecting Unsaved Changes using JavaScript Unsaved Changes using JavaScript I have a requirement to implement..
Detecting when a div's height changes using jQuery when a div's height changes using jQuery I've got a div that..
Detecting Back Button/Hash Change in URL Back Button Hash Change in URL I just set up my new homepage..
Detect 64-bit or 32-bit Windows from User Agent or Javascript? versions I have are 32 bit Windows 64 bit Windows Linux Detecting Linux using the User Agent field is easy but is it possible..
How to determine if variable is 'undefined' or 'null' if variable is 'undefined' or 'null' Possible Duplicate Detecting an undefined object property in JavaScript How do I determine..
Detecting an undefined object property in JavaScript an undefined object property in JavaScript What's the best..
jquery - hash change event the event by if onhashchange in window ... See also Detecting event support without browser sniffing Emulating onhashchange..
How do you tell if caps lock is on using JavaScript? this interesting.... You can give it a try.. JavaScript Detecting Caps lock function isCapslock e e e e window.event var charCode..
Detecting touch screen devices with Javascript touch screen devices with Javascript In Javascript jQuery how..
Detect iPad users using jQuery? HowTo Detect iPad users using JavaScript jQuery HowTo Detecting Redirecting iPad iPhone Users David Walsh's Blog Detecting iPad.. Detecting Redirecting iPad iPhone Users David Walsh's Blog Detecting iPad use Detecting iPad use via PHP share improve this answer..
Detecting when user scrolls to bottom of div with jQuery when user scrolls to bottom of div with jQuery I have a div..
Check if cookies are enabled Cookies Enabled Test Checking if Cookies are Enabled PHP Detecting if the cookies are enabled with PHP PHP and Cookies A Good Mix..
Detecting idle time in JavaScript elegantly idle time in JavaScript elegantly Is it possible to detect..
How to check a not defined variable in javascript [duplicate] variable in javascript duplicate Possible Duplicate Detecting an undefined object property in JavaScript I wanted to check..