javascript Programming Glossary: desirable
Count number of matches of a regex in Javascript spaces twice 'hi there'.match s g .length 2 If that is not desirable you could do this 'hi there'.match s g .length 1 share improve..
<a> script links without href=“#” implicitly apply the cursor pointer property which may be desirable. I use jQuery after a brief stint with MooTools and the links..
How do I scroll to the top of the page with jQuery? of the page using a jQuery command in that function It is desirable even if the scroll bar instantly jumps to the top. I'm not looking..
Put a Delay in Javascript that using setTimeout involves more thought than a desirable sleep function but unfortunately the later doesn't exist. Many..
How to “properly” create a custom object in JavaScript? There are a lot of potential features you might consider desirable in an object system and no one really agrees on one particular..
How to force Sequential Javascript Execution? per its definition will not hold up the thread. This is desirable because if it did it'd freeze the entire UI for the time it..
img onload doesn't work well in IE7 we must support Firefox 3 IE 6 and IE 7. It is desirable to support all Webkit based browsers as well but as our site..
Using as a local data cache in web browsers While it certainly has things that make it less desirable and I won't sugar coat it it is definitely a hack in the most..
Easiest way to convert json data into objects with methods attached? improve this question Yes it would work but it's not desirable. Apart from appearing slightly hacky IMO you're attaching methods..
Force orientation on iPad - javascript user to rotate their device when its orientation is not desirable. You might even consider two UI setups for different orientations..
Why doesn't jQuery bomb if your selector object is invalid? you don't find any elements would be significantly less desirable in most situations even more so in the cases like .live above...
iScroll 4 not working with form <select> element iPhone Safari and Android browser means you've hacked the library which might break other desirable iScroll functionality. So here's a better workaround var selectField..
How do you limit CoffeeScript (or JavaScript) execution to a particular controller and action in Rails 3.1? You can set the body class using ERB. This is often desirable for stylesheets as well. The code would be something like if..
Calling a javascript function recursively not the function which it itself points to . This could be desirable in some circumstances but is there a way to write the function..
Best way to obfuscate an e-mail address on a website? my e mail address. img src images e mail.png This is less desirable because not only will visitors be unable to click on it to send..
How can I wrap text around a moveable image? share improve this question TL DR This is a common and desirable feature that has been discussed numerous times in the history..
prototype based vs. class based inheritance the interpreter could be very simple while preserving the desirable properties of object orientation. share improve this answer..
Can someone explain the dollar sign in Javascript?
Advanced Javascript: Why is this function wrapped in parentheses? [duplicate] the function could be called again which might not be desirable. By using an anonymous function in this manner you ensure it's..