javascript Programming Glossary: developing
Why is window (and unsafeWindow) not the same from a userscript as from a <script> tag? as from a script tag I was facing an issue while developing this small userscript . When I wanted to block every XMLHttpRequest..
Memory leak risk in JavaScript closures down to a 1.5 market share down from 6 a year ago and in developing 'new' sites IE7 becomes less and less relevant. You can also..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? if I have a jQuery background Suppose I'm familiar with developing client side applications in jQuery but now I'd like to start.. our application. How inconvenient So much of the time when developing with jQuery we opt for iterative instead of test driven development...
How to add extra info to copied web text possible across complex HTML in different browsers. I'm developing a web application I don't want anyone to be able to track the..
How to embed Javascript widget that depends on jQuery into an unknown environment that depends on jQuery into an unknown environment I'm developing a javascript widget that depends on jQuery. The widget may or..
Geolocation API on the iPhone an app for mobile users but rather than spend the time developing apps for every different platform iPhone Android etc... I'd..
How to Get GPS location from the web browser to Get GPS location from the web browser I am developing a mobile based web site there I have integrated google maps..
Turn off caching on Firefox address bar and set network.http.use cache false If developing locally or using HTML5's new manifest attribute you may have..
XmlHttpRequest error: Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin null is not allowed by Access Control Allow Origin I'm developing a page that pulls images from Flickr and Panoramio via jQuery's..
Passing data to a jQuery UI Dialog data to a jQuery UI Dialog I'm developing an ASP.Net MVC site and on it I list some bookings from a database..
Is there a way to enable the JavaScript Error/Debug Console for Safari within Android? Error Debug Console for Safari within Android I'm developing a JavaScript application that needs to run on the Google Android..
How to add a custom right-click menu to a webpage?
jQuery keypress() event not firing? but the cursor keys up down left right fire nothing. I am developing the site primarily for IE users because it is a line of business..
Getting the closest string match to do fuzzy string matching originally came about while developing the Gulf of Mexico Validator tool. What existed was a database..
Twitter Bootstrap Tabs: Go to Specific Tab on Page Reload? Bootstrap Tabs Go to Specific Tab on Page Reload I'm developing a web page in which I'm using Twitter's Bootstrap Framework..
Do web sites really need to cater for browsers that don't have Javascript enabled? [closed] Why do many professional web developers always insist on developing sites that accommodate for browsers that have Javascript disabled..
What is the most reliable way to hide / spoof the referrer in JavaScript? look like http lotsoftrash url actualurl . I'm developing a Userscript Firefox Content script Chrome code which removes..
Building a Chrome Extension - Inject code in a page using a Content script how to create chrome extensions and I just started developing one to catch youtube events. I want to use it with youtube flash..