javascript Programming Glossary: dfd
How to get Javascript Function Calls/Trace at Runtime
What does $.when.apply($, someArray) do? .then everythingDone function processItem data var dfd .Deferred console.log 'called processItem' in the real world.. this would probably make an AJAX call. setTimeout function dfd.resolve 2000 return dfd.promise function everythingDone console.log.. an AJAX call. setTimeout function dfd.resolve 2000 return dfd.promise function everythingDone console.log 'processed all items'..
i want to call a java class from the worklight adapter configuration String server https ibm f4acjqe8c6p 9443 dfd Set the Public URI of your RRC server String JTS_Server https..
Trying to compare two Canvas elements on svg like html2canvas . function createImage html var dfd new .Deferred var el document.createElement div el.innerHTML.. canvas document.body.removeChild el dfd.resolve canvas.toDataURL return dfd .when createImage span.. el dfd.resolve canvas.toDataURL return dfd .when createImage span style 'font size 34px' i b Hello b i..
Sequencing ajax requests Queue var ajaxQueue .ajaxQueue function ajaxOpts var jqXHR dfd .Deferred promise dfd.promise queue our ajax request ajaxQueue.queue.. function ajaxOpts var jqXHR dfd .Deferred promise dfd.promise queue our ajax request ajaxQueue.queue doRequest add.. 1 queue.splice index 1 and then reject the deferred dfd.rejectWith ajaxOpts.context ajaxOpts promise statusText return..
JavaScript asynchronous return value / assignment with jQuery [duplicate] to function trackPage var elqTracker new jQuery.elq 459 dfd .Deferred elqTracker.pageTrack success function elqTracker.getGUID.. success function elqTracker.getGUID function guid dfd.resolve guid return dfd.promise example use trackPage .done.. function guid dfd.resolve guid return dfd.promise example use trackPage .done function guid alert Got..