javascript Programming Glossary: detects
Differentiate IE7 browser and browser in IE7 compatibility mode compatiblity mode on sends an IE7 User Agent header but detects something like IE Edge in the response navigator.userAgent turns..
JavaScript for detecting browser language preference using navigator.language . Using navigator.userLanguage it detects the setting done thru Start ControlPanel RegionalandLanguageOptions..
Can a site invoke a browser extension? of APIs as JS objects. User goes to detects BeautifierExtension and invoke the API by calling beautifer.. Beautifier See #2 normally it's the extension that detects the matching sites and alter the pages. What I am interested..
Detect element content changes with jQuery content changes with jQuery change function works and detects changes on form elements but is there a way of detecting when..
Why will jQuery not load in Facebook? Facebook possess some ultra advanced tech that somehow detects both When jQuery is loaded via a chrome extension in an ostensibly..
Refused to execute a JavaScript script. Source code of script found within request the same code comes back via the HTTP response. If Chrome detects this situation the script is refused to run and you get the..
X-Requested-With header not set in jquery ajaxForm plugin an ajax submit to my CakePHP app. Cake's RequestHandler detects ajax requests by looking at the X Requested With header but..
What are techniques to get around the IE file download security rules? just hide it . If the further validation on the server detects a problem it can return a page that uses JavaScript to tell..
Getting around same origin policy in javascript without server side scripts page. The xdcomm page contains a very simple script that detects GET parameters in the query string parses that string for method..
Javascript that detects Firebug? that detects Firebug What's a surefire way of detecting whether a user has..
string to int use parseInt or Number? 2e1 20 exponential notation Keep in mind that if parseInt detects a leading zero on the string it will parse the number in octal..
Dealing with overlapping jQuery sortable lists in sortable functionality to create a fixedSortable that detects and selectively ignores hovering over lists when there's a overlay..
best way to detect country / location of visitor? [duplicate] visitor with questions i would love to automatically detects the visitor's location country should be enough. What's the..
jQuery/Javascript collision detection for example function detectOverlapping code that detects if the box overlaps with a moving box setInterval detectOverlapping..
Detect iPad users using jQuery? var isiPad navigator.userAgent.match iPad i null Related detects iPhone or iPod function isiPhone return Detect iPhone navigator.platform.indexOf..
Getting the closest string match maximize the number of matches. I created a function that detects the number of correct matches of each set to each other as can..
Cryptic “Script Error.” reported in Javascript in Chrome and Firefox in Javascript in Chrome and Firefox I have a script that detects Javascript errors on my website and sends them to my backend..
Check whether user has a Chrome extension installed then goes to a website with my script on it. The website detects that my extension is installed and updates the page accordingly...
How can I supress the browser's authentication dialog? listing the supported authentication types. The browser detects that the response to my call on the XMLHttpRequest object is..