javascript Programming Glossary: deviceready
JQuery document.ready vs Phonegap deviceready document.ready vs Phonegap deviceready I am making a phonegap application with jquery. I am confused.. .ready like document .ready function mycode or inside the deviceready event of phonegap like document.addEventListener deviceready.. event of phonegap like document.addEventListener deviceready function mycode I am currently using document.ready but I think..
Phonegap deviceready not firing using Cordova 2.2.0 in iOS deviceready not firing using Cordova 2.2.0 in iOS I am building a PhoneGap.. when deploying to iOS devices and simulators the deviceready event never fires. I'm using Phonegap 2.2.0. When I deploy the.. of course the App will work perfectly. When I replace the deviceready with a jQuery ready the app will load on iOS as well yet it..
Why I have to put all the script to index.html in jquery mobile for example my index.html seem to be document .bind deviceready function .mobile.changepage test.html then my device will redirect..
how to use iscroll javascript in phone gap? 2.1.0.js script var myScroll document.addEventListener deviceready onDeviceReady false function scroll myScroll new IScroll '.wrapper'..
JQuery Mobile + PhoneGap for Android - Error loading index.html file has only function init document.addEventListener deviceready deviceInfo true What am I missing javascript jquery android..
PhoneGap: Detect if running on desktop browser iPad Android BlackBerry IEMobile document.addEventListener deviceready onDeviceReady false else onDeviceReady this is the browser ..
PhoneGap - Android - how to save the capture image from camera in the sd card the SD card...... function save document.addEventListener deviceready onDeviceReady false PhoneGap is ready function onDeviceReady..