java Programming Glossary: verifier
DocumentListener Java, How do I prevent empty string in JTextBox? 5 java swing jtextfield documentlistener inputverifier share improve this question I'll make this an answer I wouldn't.. it could work if you do your calculation from within the verifier. For example updated for generality import javax.swing. @see..
Java and HTTPS url connection without downloading certificate sc.getSocketFactory Create all trusting host name verifier HostnameVerifier allHostsValid new HostnameVerifier public.. session return true Install the all trusting host verifier HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier allHostsValid..
IOException: “Received authentication challenge is null” (Apache Harmony/Android) actual cause for the 401 was that I didn't send an OAuth verifier code where it was expected at this point. share improve this..
Uncatchable ChuckNorrisException extend Throwable . UPDATE It doesn't work. It generates a verifier error Exception in thread main java.lang.VerifyError class TestThrow.. you can get this to work if you disable the byte code verifier Xverify none UPDATE 3 For those following from home here is..
How do a send an HTTPS request through a proxy in Java? TrustManager that trusts everything as well as a hostname verifier that is equally lenient. This manager works just fine when I.. sslContext.getSocketFactory setup a hostname verifier that verifies everything HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier..
Library for OAuth Provider (Java) [closed] String your_token requestToken.getToken ... Verifier verifier new Verifier your_previously_retrieved_verifier Token accessToken.. Verifier verifier new Verifier your_previously_retrieved_verifier Token accessToken service.getAccessToken requestToken verifier.. Token accessToken service.getAccessToken requestToken verifier Creating the request OAuthRequest request OAuthRequest Verb.GET..
Library to integrate Google's OAuth/OpenID hybrid in Java Web App? with request token you have to use a request secret and verifier but here you don't need them. To have a better view you may..
What can you throw in Java? in Java but is it possible to disable the bytecode verifier and get Java to compile and run code that throws arbitrary objects.. V Can only throw Throwable objects Disabling the bytecode verifier allows the athrow to execute and the JVM appears to crash when.. in thread main # Of course disabling the bytecode verifier is dangerous. The VM proper is written to assume that bytecode..
Java 7 JVM VerifyError in Eclipse speaks about using XX UseSplitVerifier to activate the old verifier . That is consistent with the JDK TM 6 Adoption Guide which.. Adoption Guide which describes that option as Traditional verifier can be forced with the XX UseSplitVerifier flag. Missing or..
Problems with https (No peer certificate) in android httpClient new DefaultHttpClient mgr client.getParams Set verifier HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier..