java Programming Glossary: verbosity
How can I check if a Java program's input/output streams are connected to a terminal? like a Java program to have different default settings verbosity possibly colored output where supported depending on its use...
When should one use final? the programmer's intent clearer. On the other hand it adds verbosity and the optimizations may be trivial. Is it something I should..
Benefits and drawbacks of method chaining and a possibility to replace all void return parameters by the object itself There are obvious benefits of using this approach reduced verbosity is one of them. Now I was wondering why aren't all methods which..
Java Getters and Setters this problem. They use annotations to replace much of the verbosity of Java. Some people are looking at alternative Java sibling..
Difference between double… and double[] in formal parameter type declaration varargs is what is called a syntactic sugar that hides the verbosity from you. So to go back to your question the difference between..
Why does autoboxing in Java allow me to have 3 possible values for a boolean? use boxed primitives be careful Autoboxing reduces the verbosity but not the danger of using boxed primitives . When your program..
Java assertions underused brevity of assert param null Param cannot be null to the verbosity of if param null throw new IllegalArgumentException Param cannot..
Why does int num = Integer.getInteger(“123”) throw NullPointerException? use boxed primitives be careful Autoboxing reduces the verbosity but not the danger of using boxed primitives. When your program..
In JDBC, when autocommit is false and no explicit savepoints have been set, is it good style or a waste to rollback? close in a public static void helper method to temper the verbosity. Calling rollback is mandatory when it concerns a pooled connection..
When to use a Constructor and when to use getInstance() method (static factory methods)? of static factory methods is that they reduce the verbosity of creating parameterized type instances. Disadvantages still..
Why use inheritance at all? [closed] top of composition but in most languages with a lot more verbosity and boilerplate. The purpose of using composition instead of..
Why comparing Integer with int can throw NullPointerException in Java? use boxed primitives be careful Autoboxing reduces the verbosity but not the danger of using boxed primitives. When your program..
The Guava library for java; what are its most useful and/or hidden features [closed] stuff it provides... filter transform etc. Despite the verbosity of using classes for Function s and Predicate s I've found this..
Static factory method for constructors an instance of a derived class if appropriate. Reduce verbosity when instantiating variables of generic types. Another reason..
Creation of Objects: Constructors or Static Factory Methods of static factory methods is that they reduce the verbosity of creating parameterized type instances. Disadvantages The..
how can I lookup a Java enum from its string value? static in initialisers. Is there a simple way public enum Verbosity BRIEF NORMAL FULL private static Map String Verbosity stringMap.. enum Verbosity BRIEF NORMAL FULL private static Map String Verbosity stringMap new HashMap String Verbosity private Verbosity stringMap.put.. static Map String Verbosity stringMap new HashMap String Verbosity private Verbosity stringMap.put this.toString this public static..