java Programming Glossary: vertices
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results indices ShortBuffer _indexBuffer raw buffers to hold the vertices FloatBuffer _vertexBuffer0 FloatBuffer _vertexBuffer1 FloatBuffer.. _vertexBuffer5 int _numVertices 3 standard triangle vertices 3 FloatBuffer _textureBuffer0123 private FloatBuffer _light0Position.. 0.25f float textures0123 Mapping coordinates for the vertices UV mapping CW 0.0f 0.0f bottom left 1.0f 0.0f bottom right..
JUNG: placing tree nodes in order graphTree new DelegateTree Node Edge Add all nodes and vertices to the tree graphTree.addVertex tree.getRoot addChildren tree.getRoot.. implementation for the DelegateTree that either sorts its vertices according to their natural ordering Sorted Graph or that uses..
Draw Line between two Geo Points in JMapViewer silently rejects a polygon having fewer than three vertices. For a line between two points just repeat the last Coordinate..
Java: how to represent graphs? For example public class Graph V extends Vertex List V vertices ... When it comes to implementing graph algorithms you could..
Vertex label in JUNG graph visualization frame.pack frame.setVisible true How can I add labels for vertices and edges The Values are stored in my custom vertex class. Can.. stored in my custom vertex class. Can I iterate over all vertices in the Layout or BasicVisualizationServer and add labels Thanks..
area of intersection between circle and rectangle improve this question Given 2 points of intersection 0 vertices is inside the circle The area of a circular segment XXXXX .. _ X X X X _ X Circular segment X X X XXX XXXXX XXXX 2 vertices are inside the circle The sum of the area of two triangles and.. _ X X X _ XX Circular segment X X XX XXXXX Triangle^ 3 vertices are inside the circle The area of the rectangle minus the area..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails implements GLSurfaceView.Renderer private FloatBuffer vertices private FloatBuffer texcoords private int mProgram private int.. 1.0f 1.0f 1.0f 1.0f 1.0f initialize vertex Buffer for vertices ByteBuffer vbb ByteBuffer.allocateDirect triangleCoords.length.. use the device hardware's native byte order vertices vbb.asFloatBuffer create a floating point buffer from the ByteBuffer..