java Programming Glossary: vc
Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array? between the sorted and unsorted data both are fast. VC 2010 is unable to generate conditional moves for this branch.. the mispredictions it is also twice as fast as whatever VC and GCC can generate In other words ICC took advantage of the..
Can SHA-1 algorithm be computed on a stream? With low memory footprint? portion would be unaffected. Compiles cleanly with MS VC 9.0SP1 x86 or x64 W4 Za gc 3.4 ansi pedantic Wall comeau 4.3.3..
How to lock compiled Java classes to prevent decompilation? sensitive components be built in native code for example VC and call them via JNI java jvm decompiling share improve..
Why doesn't the Java SDK installer set JAVA_HOME? variables call c Program Files Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 VC vcvarsall.bat Does Java have something similar I'm trying to..
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: Internal Error ; Error: ShouldNotReachHere() b06 built on Apr 14 2011 01 04 32 by java_re with MS VC 7.1 VS2003 time Mon May 16 14 17 52 2011 elapsed time 0 seconds..
Pre & post increment operator behavior in C, C++, Java, & C# to post pre increment operators This is what I get with VC 10 Java 1.6 and C# 4 int a 2 int b a a int c a a a C C Java..
JNI error while calling a C subroutine I found for creating a DLL shared library are for MS VC VCPP and I don't have that on my machine right now. Where is.. I found for creating a DLL shared library are for MS VC VCPP and I don't have that on my machine right now. Where is the..