java Programming Glossary: vertex
How to rotate a vertex around a certain point? to rotate a vertex around a certain point Imagine you have two points in 2d space..
OpenGL extensions available on different Android devices [closed] techniques of drawing sprites the basic way using vertex arrays slow using vertex buffer objects VBOs faster using the.. sprites the basic way using vertex arrays slow using vertex buffer objects VBOs faster using the draw_texture extension.. GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ATI_extended_texture_coordinate_data_formats..
Interfaces with static fields in java for sharing 'constants' final int EG 33 static public final int EB 34 has this vertex been lit yet static public final int BEEN_LIT 35 static public..
Adding a point to polygon the PathIterator of the polygon and a Point representing a vertex adds the point at the appropriate location in the path. For..
area of intersection between circle and rectangle X X X Circular segment X X XX XX X X XXXXXXXX X X XXXXX 1 vertex is inside the circle The sum of the areas of a circular segment.. computing the area of a triangle . You can determine if a vertex is inside the circle by calculating if its distance from the..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails 0.0f 1.0f 0.2f 1.0f Debug.out Hello init. Shaders int vertexShader 0 int fragmentShader 0 try vertexShader loadShader GLES20.GL_VERTEX_SHADER.. init. Shaders int vertexShader 0 int fragmentShader 0 try vertexShader loadShader GLES20.GL_VERTEX_SHADER readFile vertex.vsh.. vertexShader loadShader GLES20.GL_VERTEX_SHADER readFile vertex.vsh fragmentShader loadShader GLES20.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER readFile..
Exporting JUNG graphs to hi-res images (preferably vector based) sure if using them would mean that I have to re draw each vertex and edge in the graph. That's obviously not very desirable..... vv.getGraphLayout p.getX p.getY if clicked on a vertex show info popup else show contexual menu if v null JFrame..
Depth first search - 2D Game map an adjacency matrix for this and the corresponding vertex list Depth first search general structure Visit node cell change.. change visited flag to true Push to Stack get unvisited vertex peek stack if none pop stack update maze model view Repeat 1.. int startDest int goalDest breadth first search begin at vertex 0 vertexList startDest .wasVisited true mark it displayVertex..
How to manually set the zoom on a Jung visualisation? clist setBounds 215 10 550 550 updateData clist adds vertex and edges to graph treeLayout new TreeLayout String Integer..
Java: how to represent graphs? in Java I was thinking something like this public class Vertex private ArrayList Vertex outnodes Adjacency list. if I wanted.. something like this public class Vertex private ArrayList Vertex outnodes Adjacency list. if I wanted to support edge weight.. manipulate outnodes public class Graph private ArrayList Vertex nodes algorithms on graphs But I basically just made this up...
OpenGL extensions available on different Android devices [closed] fastest but only for basic sprites i.e. no transforming Vertex arrays are supported in OpenGL ES 1.0 and thus in every Android..
Vertex label in JUNG graph visualization label in JUNG graph visualization I wrote a little graph visualizer.. visualizer class public void simpleGraph SparseMultigraph Vertex SEdge graph String name Layout Vertex SEdge layout new ISOMLayout.. SparseMultigraph Vertex SEdge graph String name Layout Vertex SEdge layout new ISOMLayout graph layout.setSize new Dimension..