java Programming Glossary: vendor
How many hardware details can a Java Applet Discover? applet include java.vm.version version of the JVM. java.vm.vendor vendor name of the JVM. name of the JVM. include java.vm.version version of the JVM. java.vm.vendor vendor name of the JVM. name of the JVM. name..
Experience migrating legacy Cobol/PL1 to Java You may wind up with performance problems dependencies on vendor supplied libraries generated code that's buggy and so on. You'll..
How do I set the proxy to be used by the JVM solution is to edit the start up scripts supplied by the vendor. Many developers are familiar with the Java API javadocs but..
Query ARP cache to get MAC ID aware that SNMP's OIDs can be both platform dependent and vendor dependent. OIDs that work for Windows don't always work for..
Do I need <class> elements in persistence.xml? unit manages orders and customers. It does not rely on any vendor specific features and can therefore be deployed to any persistence..
When best to use an interface in java programming contract blueprint interface which 3rd party vendors have to fully adhere and implement. This way the endusers can.. you to write all the JDBC code independent of the DB vendor. You can just change the JDBC driver without changing any line.. DB specific SQL code whenever you'd like to switch of DB vendor. Another example is the Java EE API it also contains pretty..
How slow are Java exceptions? platform or any other JVM version possibly of any other vendor who says they also use the fast implementation The fast one..
To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC Driver has been forcibly unregistered Tomcat did its job properly and wait until the JDBC driver vendor get it fixed so that you can upgrade the driver. Downgrade to..
proper hibernate annotation for byte[] fine on all major databases it seems to hide the JDBC Blob vendor peculiarities as it should do . @Entity public class ConfigAttribute..
Hibernate vs JPA vs JDO - pros and cons of each? advice would be If you are not worried by the prospect of vendor tie in then make your choice between Hibernate and other JPA.. other JPA and JDO implementations including the various vendor specific extensions in your decision making. If you are worried.. decision making. If you are worried by the prospect of vendor tie in and you can't use JPA without resorting to vendor specific..
SQL parser library for Java [closed] enough to also be able to parse or at least ignore vendor specific syntax such as Oracle tablespace definitions or MySQL's..
How many threads can a Java VM support? How many threads can a Java VM support Does this vary by vendor by operating system other factors java multithreading share..
Consistency of hashCode() on a Java string n 2 ... s n 1 Are there any circumstances say JVM version vendor etc. under which the following expression will evaluate to false..
Why do I get java.lang.AbstractMethodError when trying to load a blob in the db? Inc. Implementation Title ojdbc14.jar Specification Vendor Oracle Corporation Specification Version Oracle JDBC Driver.. Oracle JDBC Driver version Implementation Vendor Oracle Corporation Implementation Time Sat Feb 2 11 40 29 2008..
Internal implementation of java.util.HashMap and HashSet But in general you can map any two types like Map Car Vendor or Map Student Course . For the hashcode method it's like answered..
How to manually deploy a web service on Tomcat 6? Version 5.1 Architecture x86 JVM Version 1.6.0_18 b07 JVM Vendor Sun Microsystems Inc. saludos sas 1. create the following dir..
Controlling namespace prefixes in JAXB for XML Binding Specification Version 2.0 Specification Vendor Sun Microsystems Inc. Implementation Title JAXB Reference Implementation.. Implementation Implementation Version 2.0.2 Implementation Vendor Sun Microsystems Inc. Implementation Vendor Id com.sun Extension.. Implementation Vendor Sun Microsystems Inc. Implementation Vendor Id com.sun Extension Name com.sun.xml.bind Build Id b01 Class..
Best practice for controlling access to a “.internal” package com.mycompany.mypluginname Bundle Version 1.0.0 Bundle Vendor MyCompany Bundle RequiredExecutionEnvironment JavaSE 1.6 Service..
osgi: Using ServiceFactories? supportedProjectTypes instructions Bundle Vendor earcam Bundle Vendor Service Component OSGI INF serviceComponents.xml.. instructions Bundle Vendor earcam Bundle Vendor Service Component OSGI INF serviceComponents.xml Service Component..
List of useful environment settings in Java 0 mixerInfo ii .getName mixerData ii 1 mixerInfo ii .getVendor mixerData ii 2 mixerInfo ii .getVersion mixerData ii 3 mixerInfo.. mixerInfo ii .getDescription columnNames new String Name Vendor Version Description md new MediaData Mixers columnNames mixerData.. 0 0 Name data 0 1 midiDeviceInfo ii .getName data 1 0 Vendor data 1 1 midiDeviceInfo ii .getVendor data 2 0 Version String..
Apple MDM Vendor CSR Signing MDM Vendor CSR Signing I hit ' Invalid Certificate Signing Request ' when..
Is the OpenJDK JVM the same as the Oracle Java SE JVM? overall OpenJDK community has not accepted into mainline. Vendor VMs must of course be able to prove that they are in conformance..
Error while running Java service wrapper for JBoss AS 7 TM Client VM INFO jvm 1 2012 03 12 14 26 32 Java VM Vendor Sun Microsystems Inc. INFO jvm 1 2012 03 12 14 26 32 INFO jvm..