java Programming Glossary: vectors
Java serialization of multidimensional array into a Vector of Vectors. I have been playing around with vectors and I am still unsure of how to represent that. Can anyone help..
Bounding ellipse new_u and u The SSD or sum of square differences takes two vectors of the same size creates a new vector by finding the difference.. each difference and adding them all together. So if the vectors were a 1 2 3 and b 5 4 6 then SSD 1 5 ^2 2 4 ^2 3 6 ^2 And the..
Any tutorial or code for Tf Idf in java calculation. Each document is a vector so compute the two vectors and then compute the distance between them. So to do this in..
How to do Gesture Recognition using Accelerometers rotation of the device by comparing the acceleration vectors or from the gyros directly integrating angular momentum over..
sorting vector in java java I cant find any sorting function in the java API for vectors. Collections.sort is only for List T and not for Vector T ...
Are upper bounds of indexed ranges always assumed to be exclusive? are zero indexed and most random access data structures vectors array lists etc. are going to be zero indexed as well. Starting..
Java floating point high precision library EXCELLENT functionality for mathematical problems matrices vectors symbolic algorithms solution of equation systems and what not...
What is the security risk of object reflection?
jTable and Sorting using radio button my jtable is defaultTableModel not vectors. I have already achieve when user press on column header it..
How does this code for delaunay triangulation work? d is 2. The vector xn yn zn is the cross product of the vectors point i point j and point i point k or in other words a vector..
CSRF, XSS and SQL Injection attack prevention in JSF . Do I need to take care of any other potential attack vectors java jsf xss sql injection csrf share improve this question..
Basic render 3D perspective projection onto 2D screen with camera (without opengl) 1 . The final component is 'w' a scaling factor which for vectors is 0 this has the effect that you can't translate vectors which.. vectors is 0 this has the effect that you can't translate vectors which is mathematically correct. We won't go there we're talking..
Algorithm for finding all paths in a NxN grid To generate the possible paths just generate all binary vectors of size 2n with exactly n 1's. The 1's will indicate right moves.. i in 0 2n for each j in max 0 i n min i n print all binary vectors of size i with exactly j bits set to 1 Note1 printing all binary.. i with exactly j bits set to 1 Note1 printing all binary vectors of size i with j bits set to 1 could be computationaly expansive...
Java serialization of multidimensional array i am looking to translate a 3x3 2D array into a Vector of Vectors. I have been playing around with vectors and I am still unsure..
Finding Signed Angle Between Vectors Signed Angle Between Vectors How would you find the signed angle theta from vector a to..
What does it mean when we say Hashtable or Vector is synchronized? they ask you What does it practically mean by Hashtable or Vectors being synchronized java share improve this question Practically..
What are the differences between ArrayList and Vector? arraylist share improve this question Differences Vectors are synchronized ArrayLists are not. Data Growth Methods Use.. Use ArrayLists if there is no specific requirement to use Vectors. Synchronization If multiple threads access an ArrayList concurrently..
ArrayList vs. Vectors in Java if thread safety isn't a concern vs. Vectors in Java if thread safety isn't a concern Is there really that..
Java Generics good old concrete classes like Vector. Vector V new Vector Vectors hold any old object you give them. V.add This is an element..
Basic render 3D perspective projection onto 2D screen with camera (without opengl) you understand the basics of matrix math . Homogenous Vectors Points Transformations In 3D a homogenous point would be a column..