java Programming Glossary: userid
how to make a composite primary key (java persistence annotation) third table user_roles auto generated by above that takes userId from userdao and roleId from roledao. now i need those two columns..
JPA: how do I persist a String into a database field, type MYSQL Text strategy GenerationType.AUTO private Long id private Long userId private String title private String content private Integer..
Sessions in struts2 application user up by with Hibernate or some other mechanism. Integer userId Integer session.get userId sb if the user is already signed.. some other mechanism. Integer userId Integer session.get userId sb if the user is already signed in then let the request through... user is already signed in then let the request through. if userId null return invocation.invoke Object action invocation.getAction..
Getting java.sql.SQLException: Operation not allowed after ResultSet closed name String sql SELECT `name` FROM `user` WHERE `id` userId LIMIT 1 ResultSet rs statement.executeQuery sql if ..
How to prepopulate a <h:selectOneMenu> from a DB? set as item value Example #2 h selectOneMenu value # bean.userId f selectItems value # bean.users var user itemValue # itemLabel # h selectOneMenu with private Long userId private List User users ... the same as in previous bean example..
How to return a partial JSON response using Java? response. An example might look like this users 123 fields userId fullname title In the example above the API should return the.. title In the example above the API should return the userId fullName and title fields for User 123 . I'm looking for ideas.. Null. I simply don't want to return them. @GET @Path userId @Produces application json public User getUser @PathParam userId..
Testing for custom plugin portlet: BeanLocatorException and Transaction roll-back for services testing MySecUserUtil public static boolean isUserFullAge long userId throws PortalException SystemException User user UserLocalServiceUtil.getUser.. SystemException User user UserLocalServiceUtil.getUser userId Date birthday user.getBirthday long years System.currentTimeMillis..
Xpath transformation not working in java in java This is my xml document. I want to sign only the userID part using xml signature. I am using xpath transformation to..
how to make a composite primary key (java persistence annotation) it so that the table user_roles defines the two columns userID roleID as a composite primary key. should be easy just can't.. GenerationType.AUTO public Integer getUserID return userID in rolesdao @ManyToMany fetch FetchType.LAZY @JoinTable name..
Hibernate @Version annotation and object references an unsaved transient instance practice @ManyToOne fetch FetchType.LAZY @JoinColumn name userID private Users userID getters and setters ApplicationEvents appEvent.. fetch FetchType.LAZY @JoinColumn name userID private Users userID getters and setters ApplicationEvents appEvent new ApplicationEvents.. eventType appEvent.setPractice practice appEvent.setUserID userID appEvent.setComments comments appEvent.setEventDate new Timestamp..
Hidden features of Struts 2 framework [closed] users 23 details.action if the action's namespace is users userID the PatternMatcher will attempt to set the action's userID property.. userID the PatternMatcher will attempt to set the action's userID property to 23 as if this were a request parameter. The NamedVariablePatternMatcher.. struts.xml or using annotations as usual @Namespace users userID public class DetailsAction exends ActionSupport private Long..
How to display an image in jsp? SELECT FROM upload_data where user_id userID while contactDetails new ContactDetails contactDetails.setContactPhoto..
Android getIntent().getExtras() returns null itself and pass it along to the child tabs. String userID . . Bundle getuserID getIntent .getExtras if getuserID null.. it along to the child tabs. String userID . . Bundle getuserID getIntent .getExtras if getuserID null userID getuserID.getString.. userID . . Bundle getuserID getIntent .getExtras if getuserID null userID getuserID.getString userID ... intent new Intent..
What causes a NotSerializableException in Tomcat 7? @SuppressWarnings unchecked public User getUserByID long userID List User users hibernateTemplate.find from User where id '.. User users hibernateTemplate.find from User where id ' userID ' return users.size 0 users.get 0 null Here's my config beans..
AsyncTasks do not get collected causing other AsyncTasks to not run tag eventRunning values.add new BasicNameValuePair userid String .valueOf response.user.userid post.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity.. BasicNameValuePair userid String .valueOf response.user.userid post.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity values HttpResponse..
JSON order mixed up this JSONObject myObject new JSONObject myObject.put userid User 1 myObject.put amount 24.23 myObject.put success NO However.. on my page it gives JSON formatted string success NO userid User 1 bid 24.23 I need it in the order of userid amount then.. NO userid User 1 bid 24.23 I need it in the order of userid amount then success. Already tried re ordering in the code but..
How to retrieve image from database and display in JSP via Servlet? ImageDAO looks like this public InputStream getPhotos Long userid throws IllegalArgumentException SQLException ClassNotFoundException.. SQL_GET_PHOTO preparedStatement.setLong 1 userid preparedStatement.executeUpdate while binaryStream.. session HttpSession session request.getSession false Long userid Long session.getAttribute user try InputStream photoStream imageDAO.getPhotos.. Stream closed response throws ServletException IOException Getting userid from session Image image new Image image.setUserid userid ImageDAO.. userid from session Image image new Image image.setUserid userid ImageDAO imageDAO new ImageDAO try List Image imageId imageDAO.listNames..
JSON parsing problem webservice index.php op ProductQ campaign_id 607 userid 10776 when i put it into Json object it gives errors to me error.. public static String getmyproductquestiondetails String userid String campaignid https apps present_software.. present_software webservice index.php op EducationResult userid 1 questionid 1 2 3 answergivenbyuser 1 1 0 String data null..
Using MDC in log4j to dynamically name the log file each instance identified by the value associated with the userid MDC key. Whenever the userid MDC key is assigned a new value.. the value associated with the userid MDC key. Whenever the userid MDC key is assigned a new value a new FileAppender instance..
HTTP authentication in J2ME From the rfc To receive authorization the client sends the userid and password separated by a single colon character within a.. the credentials. ... If the user agent wishes to send the userid Aladdin and password open sesame it would use the following..
Cannot unmarshal a JSON array of objects using Jersey Client Badge s which are inside of other structures like this userid 123456789 userbadges badge id 42 status Active name purple..
How to give cname forward support to saas software where points_to with userid customer1 once he sets up the custom domain for the world it.. java to write my web app. How do i map domain name to userid when request comes in java dns saas cname share improve this.. share improve this question How do i map domain name to userid when request comes in Obviously you'll have to store that information..
ResultSe.getString(1) throws java.sql.SQLException: Invalid operation at current cursor position response throws ServletException IOException String UserID request.getParameter UserID String UserPassword request.getParameter.. IOException String UserID request.getParameter UserID String UserPassword request.getParameter UserPassword String.. Email set.getString 3 if set.wasNull Email.compareTo UserID 0 turn to the error page response.sendRedirect LoginFailure.jsp..
Xpath transformation not working in java AssertionConsumerServiceURL localhos t 8080 consumer.jsp UserID xyz UserID testing text testing saml Issuer xmlns saml urn oasis.. localhos t 8080 consumer.jsp UserID xyz UserID testing text testing saml Issuer xmlns saml urn oasis names.. new XPathFilterParameterSpec samlp AuthnRequest UserID xmlns samlp urn oasis names tc SAML 2.0 protocol But I get the..
Controlling namespace prefixes in JAXB ns2 Timestamp ns2 PartnerID EBICS ns2 PartnerID ns2 UserID EBIX ns2 UserID ns2 Product Language de EBICS Kernel V2.0.4.. ns2 PartnerID EBICS ns2 PartnerID ns2 UserID EBIX ns2 UserID ns2 Product Language de EBICS Kernel V2.0.4 SIZ PPI ns2 Product..