java Programming Glossary: user.home
What is the cross-platform way of obtaining the path to the local application data directory? user's home directory workingDirectory System.getProperty user.home if we are on a Mac we are not done we look for Application Support..
How to get local application data folder in Java? [duplicate] of Windows XP with default settings System.getProperty user.home Local Settings Application Data What I'd like to have is something..
log4j redirect stdout to DailyRollingFileAppender log4j.appender.file.File user.home logs app.log log4j.appender.file.layout org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout..
JProgressBar won't update draw done try fl new File System.getProperty user.home .replace Desktop afile.rar dl new URL https
How to resize text in java ImageIO.write bi png new File new File System.getProperty user.home StretchText.png Runnable r new Runnable @Override public void..
permission denied error while reading/writing file by application(.jar) in mac support each of which is rooted in System.getProperty user.home . Note also that java.util.Preferences uses ~ Library Preferences..
Java user.home is being set to %userprofile% and not being resolved user.home is being set to userprofile and not being resolved Our company.. 7 Enterprise. The JDK installation is no longer setting user.home to the full path of the user directory but instead is setting.. the full path of the user directory but instead is setting user.home to userprofile . This is causing a lot of issues with applications..
Directory listener in Java Exception path to watch String path System.getProperty user.home watch mask specify events you care about or JNotify.FILE_ANY..
How can an app use files inside the JAR for read and write? in another place. One common place is a sub directory of user.home . When checking for the file first check the existence of an..
What is the best way to find the users home directory in Java? the platform. Now you should be aware of bug 4787931 that user.home does not work correctly so please do not provide me of texbook.. I assume you are not satisfied with the System.getProperty user.home functionality. Are you sure the user.home approach seems to.. user.home functionality. Are you sure the user.home approach seems to work in a very large number of cases. If you..
Run ant from Java path new File System.getProperty user.home pb.command path System.getProperty file.separator bin System.getProperty..
Best practice for setting JFrame locations directory A more sensible location is a sub directory of user.home. left as an exercise for the reader public static final String..