java Programming Glossary: username
JComponents not showing up with picture background? public class login implements ActionListener JTextField gusername JTextField gpassword static String username static String password.. JTextField gusername JTextField gpassword static String username static String password void logini throws IOException JFrame.. myPicture mainp.add picLabel c c.gridx 0 c.gridy 1 gusername new JTextField gusername.setText Username mainp.add gusername..
How to get UTF-8 working in java webapps? javax.sql.DataSource maxActive 20 maxIdle 10 maxWait 10000 username foo password bar driverClassName com.mysql.jdbc.Driver url jdbc..
Java: What is the best way to SFTP a file from a server reader JSch jsch new JSch String knownHostsFilename home username .ssh known_hosts jsch.setKnownHosts knownHostsFilename Session.. knownHostsFilename Session session jsch.getSession remote username remote host interactive version can selectively update specified..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? response throws ServletException IOException String username request.getParameter username String password request.getParameter.. IOException String username request.getParameter username String password request.getParameter password User user userService.find.. request.getParameter password User user userService.find username password if user null request.getSession .setAttribute user..
Design Patterns web based applications HttpServletResponse response throws Exception String username request.getParameter username String password request.getParameter.. throws Exception String username request.getParameter username String password request.getParameter password User user userDAO.find.. request.getParameter password User user userDAO.find username password if user null request.getSession .setAttribute user..
How to internationalize a Java web application? pairs in the default language usually English login.label.username Username login.label.password Password login.button.submit Sign.. contains Dutch nl key value pairs login.label.username Gebruikersnaam login.label.password Wachtwoord login.button.submit.. contains Spanish es key value pairs login.label.username Nombre de usario login.label.password ContraseƱa login.button.submit..
CSRF, XSS and SQL Injection attack prevention in JSF into SQL strings like so String sql SELECT FROM user WHERE username ' username ' AND password md5 password String jpql SELECT u.. like so String sql SELECT FROM user WHERE username ' username ' AND password md5 password String jpql SELECT u FROM User u.. md5 password String jpql SELECT u FROM User u WHERE u.username ' username ' AND u.password md5 ' password ' Imagine what would..
What is the most appropriate way to store user settings in Android application creating an application which connects to the server using username password and I would like to enable the option Save password..
JSP tricks to make templating easier? UTF 8 @taglib prefix t tagdir WEB INF tags @attribute name userName required true t genericpage jsp attribute name header h1 Welcome.. true t genericpage jsp attribute name header h1 Welcome userName h1 jsp attribute jsp attribute name footer p id copyright Copyright.. UTF 8 @taglib prefix t tagdir WEB INF tags t userpage userName user.fullName p First Name user.firstName br Last Name user.lastName..
ResultSet to Pagination is my query and result set pst con.prepareStatement select userName job place from contact rs pst.executeQuery java jsp jdbc pagination..
Sessions in struts2 application session request.getSession session.setAttribute userName loginBean.getUsername return SUCCESS Now when I am redirected.. on every page I am finding null values in session. String userName String session.getAttribute userName System.out.println userName.. in session. String userName String session.getAttribute userName System.out.println userName if userName null userName.equals..
How to prepopulate a <h:selectOneMenu> from a DB? as the value . Example #1 h selectOneMenu value # bean.userName f selectItems value # bean.users var user itemValue # itemValue # h selectOneMenu with private String userName private List User users @EJB private UserService userService..
Solving a “communications link failure” with jdbc and mysql void main String args Connection conn null try String userName myUsername String password myPassword String url jdbc mysql.. .newInstance conn DriverManager.getConnection url userName password System.out.println Database connection established..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] 20dip android paddingRight 20dip EditText android id @ id userName android singleLine true android layout_width fill_parent android..
Android REST client, Sample? Request a User Profile from the REST server. @param userName The user name for which the profile is to be requested. @param.. profile is available. public void getUserProfile String userName final GetResponseCallback callback String restUrl Utils.constructRestUrlForProfile.. callback String restUrl Utils.constructRestUrlForProfile userName new GetTask restUrl new RestTaskCallback @Override public void..
java : non-static variable cannot be referenced from a static context Error private final String databaseName App private final String userName bob private final String password boob private final String.. url serverName portNumber databaseName databaseName user userName password password instance instance String returnVal url2 serverName.. returnVal url2 serverName portNumber databaseName user userName password password System.out.println url2 returnVal return returnVal..
How to UnFocus a JTextField focused and in this JTextField I have written Enter your Username it will go away when the user clicks on this field but when.. loaded this field is focused means I can't see Enter your Username how to unfocus it on startup java swing netbeans focus jtextfield..
JComponents not showing up with picture background? 0 c.gridy 1 gusername new JTextField gusername.setText Username mainp.add gusername c c.gridx 0 c.gridy 2 gpassword new JTextField..
Handling passwords used for auth in source code my program Right now it's just sitting there in plaintext. UsernamePasswordCredentials creds new UsernamePasswordCredentials myName@myserver.. there in plaintext. UsernamePasswordCredentials creds new UsernamePasswordCredentials myName@myserver myPassword1234 Is there some.. would send the arrays directly. SECURE_ATTRIBUTES.put Username Hypothetical .toCharArray SECURE_ATTRIBUTES.put Password LetMePass_Word..
how to display custom error message in jsp for spring security auth exception or password spring displays Bad credentials what I need Username Password entered is incorrect. For user is disabled spring displays.. AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider.badCredentials Username Password entered is incorrect. AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider.disabled..
How to internationalize a Java web application? the default language usually English login.label.username Username login.label.password Password login.button.submit Sign in
Handle unauthorized error message for Basic Authentication in Spring Security curl http localhost 8080 webapp json error 401 message Username and password required Here is my spring security configuration.. writer response.getWriter writer.print error 401 message Username and password required java spring security share improve..
Android, Java: HTTP POST Request message CDATA message status CDATA true status Rlo CDATA Username Rlo Rsc CDATA 9L99PK1KGKSkfMbcsxvkF0S0UoldJ0SU Rsc Rm CDATA..
JSF2: Exeptions while submiting to Bean column cellpadding 5 h outputLabel for user value Username h inputText id user value # login.username h outputLabel for.. null new FacesMessage FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO Info getUsername getPassword return start.xhtml public void setUsername String.. getUsername getPassword return start.xhtml public void setUsername String username this.username username public String getUsername..
Embedding images into html email with java mail culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. p p Username br Password p p To confirm your email click a href # here a..
getSearchForm returns null when using UserSearch in XMPP with aSmack searchForm.createAnswerForm answerForm.setAnswer Username true answerForm.setAnswer search contact.getJid ReportedData..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] android layout_height wrap_content android hint Username android imeOptions actionDone android inputType text android.. android layout_height wrap_content android hint Username android imeOptions actionDone android inputType text android..
I'm working on having a “Keep me on Logged in” state on my app. How should i do it? 100dip android layout_marginLeft 30dip android text Username android textColor #000000 EditText android id @ id txt_username.. intent else loginTextView.setText Login failed. Username and or password doesn't match. I want to assign the keep..
User authenticate in SOAP - How to? tokens you can use during client server exchange Username password token X.509 certificate SAML token Kerberos Token ... You can easily find tutorials e.g. here and here for Username password here and here for SAML that show to define callback..
how to Capture https with fiddler, in java otherwise JDK_Home bin keytool.exe import file C Users Username Desktop FiddlerRoot.cer keystore FiddlerKeystore alias Fiddler..
How do I keep CFEXECUTE from hanging after a PrintStackTrace User UserToSave new User UserToSave.setUserName UserName UserToSave.setFirstName FirstName UserToSave.setLastName.. User UserToSave new User UserToSave.setUserName UserName UserToSave.setFirstName FirstName UserToSave.setLastName LastName.. LicSerRef try AU.LogMessage Change User UserName FirstName LastName EmailAddress AA.saveChangesToUser UserToSave..
ResultSe.getString(1) throws java.sql.SQLException: Invalid operation at current cursor position session request.getSession session.setAttribute UserName userName session.setMaxInactiveInterval 900 If the request doesn't..
Class not found although particular jar is added in project (android to sqlserver without webservice) DatabaseName DBName integratedSecurity true user UserName password Password 9 From Here you can simply follow the code.. null public void setConnection String DBName String UserName String Password try Class.forName net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver.. DatabaseName DBName integratedSecurity true user UserName password Password conn DriverManager.getConnection url catch..
Hibernate @Version annotation and object references an unsaved transient instance Logged User authentication sucess. UserName admin and practice Name Physicians Choice Laboratory Hibernate..
Should I put my ThreadLocals in a spring-injected singleton? bean instead of explicit ThreadLocal s public interface UserName ... @Component @Scope value request proxyMode ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES..
Connecting to SQL Server 2008 from Java
JSF tags not rendering - FacesServlet not working maybe? head h head h body f view asd h inputText value asd label UserName h inputText f view h body html What I see when I navigate to.. head h head h body f view asd h inputText value asd label UserName h inputText f view h body html web.xml xml version 1.0 encoding..
GWT Platform login + session menagment session exactly like with JSP files session.setAttribute UserName username Can any one provide a clear full example of how to.. session exactly like with JSP files session.setAttribute UserName username I wish to correct your misconception. The following.. managing server side session info. session.setAttribute UserName username You would transmit this server side session info to..
Background image in a nested JPanel? new GridLayout 2 2 2 2 JLabel userLabel new JLabel USERNAME userLabel.setForeground Color.WHITE JTextField userField new..
Adding image to Jbutton with foreground label new GridLayout 2 2 5 5 JLabel userLabel new JLabel USERNAME JLabel.CENTER userLabel.setForeground Color.WHITE userField..
Hibernate configuration on runtime connection.url URL conf.setProperty connection.username USERNAME conf.setProperty connection.password PASSWORD SESSION_FACTORY..
How Do I fix the password/ username authentication in my code? SharedPreferencesManager.getInstance private final String USERNAME manager.getLoginUsername private final String PASSWORD manager.getDecryptedLoginPassword.. webView.setHttpAuthUsernamePassword HOST REALM USERNAME PASSWORD webView.setWebViewClient new AnswersWebView this webView..
JAX-WS Sharepoint 401 Unauthorized NTLM port .getRequestContext .put BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY userName BindingProvider port .getRequestContext .put.. up the authenticator as the default String username DOMAIN USERNAME String password PASSWORD NtlmAuthenticator authenticator new..
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: Internal Error ; Error: ShouldNotReachHere() x86 Android android sdk tools C Program Files x86 Eclipse USERNAME ryu_eMach_E732Z OS Windows_NT PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER Intel64 Family..
Java String replace not working working String delimiter String html html head head body USERNAME AND PASSWORD body html Map String String mp new HashMap String.. html Map String String mp new HashMap String String mp.put USERNAME User A mp.put PASSWORD B for Entry String String entry mp.entrySet..
Wicket: how to render page programmatically and get result as string? template manually do some text substitutions like Dear USERNAME and send the result as an HTML email to the user. In order to..
Create a password protected excel file using apache poi? I have a table called USERINFO having 3 columns namely USERNAME PASSWORD NAME. Now using APACHE POI i have been able to put..