java Programming Glossary: urldecoder.decode
Simplest way to serve static data from outside the application server in a Java web application throws ServletException IOException String filename URLDecoder.decode request.getPathInfo UTF 8 File file new File path to images..
Java: how to get a File from an escaped URL? URL url new URL file home nonet some 20dir File f new File URLDecoder.decode url.getFile UTF 8 java file url escaping share improve this.. 8 java file url escaping share improve this question URLDecoder.decode url deprecated URLDecoder.decode url UTF 8 use this instead.. improve this question URLDecoder.decode url deprecated URLDecoder.decode url UTF 8 use this instead See related question How do you unescape..
Why do cookie values with whitespace arrive at the client side with quotes? name URLEncoder.encode value UTF 8 ... and String value URLDecoder.decode cookie.getValue UTF 8 ... In order to support version 1 cookies..
How to extract parameters from a given url param query.split String pair param.split String key URLDecoder.decode pair 0 UTF 8 String value if pair.length 1 value URLDecoder.decode.. pair 0 UTF 8 String value if pair.length 1 value URLDecoder.decode pair 1 UTF 8 List String values params.get key if values..
URL decoding: UnsupportedEncodingException in Java if I specify a wrong encoding as the second parameter to URLDecoder.decode String String method. Is it so I need to know cases where this.. in one of my functions if keyVal.length 2 try value URLDecoder.decode keyVal 1 UTF 8 catch UnsupportedEncodingException e Will it.. your JVM. But I think you should write this as try value URLDecoder.decode keyVal 1 UTF 8 catch UnsupportedEncodingException e throw new..
How to do URL decoding in Java? character encoding. Try something like this String result URLDecoder.decode url UTF 8 Note that a character encoding such as UTF 8 or ASCII..
How to load a folder from a .jar? strip out only the JAR file JarFile jar new JarFile URLDecoder.decode jarPath UTF 8 Enumeration JarEntry entries jar.entries gives..
Solr query is hanging server String Double bValMap PropertyLoader.getBoostVal query URLDecoder.decode query ArrayList String patterns new ArrayList String Match..