java Programming Glossary: user32.class
How can I read the window title with JNI or JNA? User32 INSTANCE User32 Native.loadLibrary user32 User32.class int GetWindowTextA PointerType hWnd byte lpString int nMaxCount..
Java search for on-screen text field User32 INSTANCE User32 Native.loadLibrary user32 User32.class W32APIOptions.DEFAULT_OPTIONS HWND FindWindow String lpClassName..
How to determine if a screensaver is running in Java? W32API User32 INSTANCE User32 Native.loadLibrary user32 User32.class DEFAULT_OPTIONS long SPI_GETSCREENSAVERRUNNING 0x0072 boolean..
Windows: how to get a list of all visible windows? final User32 instance User32 Native.loadLibrary user32 User32.class boolean EnumWindows WndEnumProc wndenumproc int lParam boolean..
How to get the x and y of a program window in Java? User32 INSTANCE User32 Native.loadLibrary user32 User32.class W32APIOptions.DEFAULT_OPTIONS HWND FindWindow String lpClassName..
GetAsyncKeyState and VirtualKeys/special characters using JNA (JAVA) static User32 INSTANCE User32 Native.loadLibrary User32 User32.class short GetAsyncKeyState int key short GetKeyState int key IntByReference..
Extract cursor image in Java static User32 INSTANCE User32 Native .loadLibrary User32 User32.class @see #LoadCursorW Pointer int public static final int IDC_ARROW..