java Programming Glossary: user32
How can I read the window title with JNI or JNA? share improve this question In JNA public interface User32 extends StdCallLibrary User32 INSTANCE User32 Native.loadLibrary.. In JNA public interface User32 extends StdCallLibrary User32 INSTANCE User32 Native.loadLibrary user32 User32.class int GetWindowTextA.. interface User32 extends StdCallLibrary User32 INSTANCE User32 Native.loadLibrary user32 User32.class int GetWindowTextA PointerType..
How to determine if a screensaver is running in Java? String args W32API.UINT_PTR uiAction new W32API.UINT_PTR User32.SPI_GETSCREENSAVERRUNNING W32API.UINT_PTR uiParam new W32API.UINT_PTR.. 0 PointerByReference pointer new PointerByReference User32.INSTANCE.SystemParametersInfo uiAction uiParam pointer fWinIni.. Screen saver running running public interface User32 extends W32API User32 INSTANCE User32 Native.loadLibrary user32..
is it is possible to disable the windows keys using java import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32 import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.HMODULE import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.LRESULT.. static LowLevelKeyboardProc keyboardHook private static User32 lib public static void blockWindowsKey if isWindows new Thread.. new Thread new Runnable @Override public void run lib User32.INSTANCE HMODULE hMod Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetModuleHandle null..
Windows: how to get a list of all visible windows? final List Integer order new ArrayList Integer int top User32.instance.GetTopWindow 0 while top 0 order.add top top User32.instance.GetWindow.. 0 while top 0 order.add top top User32.instance.GetWindow top User32.GW_HWNDNEXT User32.instance.EnumWindows.. top 0 order.add top top User32.instance.GetWindow top User32.GW_HWNDNEXT User32.instance.EnumWindows new WndEnumProc public..
How to get the x and y of a program window in Java? public class GetWindowRect public interface User32 extends StdCallLibrary User32 INSTANCE User32 Native.loadLibrary.. public interface User32 extends StdCallLibrary User32 INSTANCE User32 Native.loadLibrary user32 User32.class W32APIOptions.DEFAULT_OPTIONS.. interface User32 extends StdCallLibrary User32 INSTANCE User32 Native.loadLibrary user32 User32.class W32APIOptions.DEFAULT_OPTIONS..
Extract cursor image in Java int width image.getWidth int height image.getHeight User32 user32 User32.INSTANCE Gdi32 gdi32 Gdi32.INSTANCE Pointer hIcon.. image.getWidth int height image.getHeight User32 user32 User32.INSTANCE Gdi32 gdi32 Gdi32.INSTANCE Pointer hIcon user32 .LoadCursorW.. width height BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB draw image User32.IDC_HAND User32.DI_NORMAL BufferedImage mask new BufferedImage..
How can I read the window title with JNI or JNA? StdCallLibrary User32 INSTANCE User32 Native.loadLibrary user32 User32.class int GetWindowTextA PointerType hWnd byte lpString..
Java search for on-screen text field StdCallLibrary User32 INSTANCE User32 Native.loadLibrary user32 User32.class W32APIOptions.DEFAULT_OPTIONS HWND FindWindow String..
How to determine if a screensaver is running in Java? extends W32API User32 INSTANCE User32 Native.loadLibrary user32 User32.class DEFAULT_OPTIONS long SPI_GETSCREENSAVERRUNNING..
Windows: how to get a list of all visible windows? final User32 instance User32 Native.loadLibrary user32 User32.class boolean EnumWindows WndEnumProc wndenumproc int..
Can I change my Windows desktop wallpaper programmatically in Java/Groovy? 0x02 SPI INSTANCE SPI Native.loadLibrary user32 SPI.class new HashMap Object Object put OPTION_TYPE_MAPPER..
How to get the x and y of a program window in Java? StdCallLibrary User32 INSTANCE User32 Native.loadLibrary user32 User32.class W32APIOptions.DEFAULT_OPTIONS HWND FindWindow..
“global” KeyListener using JNA super RUN method @Override public void run int x User32 user32 User32.INSTANCE boolean res user32.RegisterHotKey Pointer.NULL.. void run int x User32 user32 User32.INSTANCE boolean res user32.RegisterHotKey Pointer.NULL 1 User32.MOD_ALT User32.MOD_CONTROL.. Starting and waiting while isInterrupted x user32.MsgWaitForMultipleObjects 0 Pointer.NULL true 1000 User32.QS_HOTKEY..
GetAsyncKeyState and VirtualKeys/special characters using JNA (JAVA) static extern short GetAsyncKeyState Keys vKey DllImport user32.dll CharSet CharSet.Unicode EntryPoint MapVirtualKeyExW ExactSpelling.. uMapType IntPtr dwKeyboardLayoutHandle DllImport user32.dll CharSet CharSet.Unicode ExactSpelling true public static.. dwKeyboardLayoutHandle public class WinAPI DllImport user32.dll public static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow DllImport..
Getting active window information in Java pointer static class User32DLL static Native.register user32 public static native int GetWindowThreadProcessId HWND hWnd..
Extract cursor image in Java int width image.getWidth int height image.getHeight User32 user32 User32.INSTANCE Gdi32 gdi32 Gdi32.INSTANCE Pointer hIcon user32.. User32.INSTANCE Gdi32 gdi32 Gdi32.INSTANCE Pointer hIcon user32 .LoadCursorW Pointer.NULL cursor Pointer hdc gdi32.CreateCompatibleDC.. hdc width height gdi32.SelectObject hdc bitmap user32.DrawIconEx hdc 0 0 hIcon width height 0 Pointer.NULL diFlags..