

java Programming Glossary: useconcmarksweepgc

Tracking down a memory leak / garbage-collection issue in Java.


MaxPermSize 256m XX PrintGCDetails XX PrintGCTimeStamps XX UseConcMarkSweepGC XX PrintTenuringDistribution XX UseParNewGC The technology stack..

Why does the Sun JVM continue to consume ever more RSS memory even when the heap, etc sizes are stable?


Hibernate Relevant JVM parameters Xms128m Xmx640m XX UseConcMarkSweepGC XX AlwaysActAsServerClassMachine XX CMSIncrementalMode XX PrintGCDetails..

Java very large heap sizes


The best bet is probably the CMS collector enabled by XX UseConcMarkSweepGC. The CMS garbage collector stops the application only for the..

Increase permgen space


You can also enable the PermGen to be garbage collected XX UseConcMarkSweepGC XX CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled XX CMSClassUnloadingEnabled Usually..

What does JVM flag CMSClassUnloadingEnabled actually do?


are no longer used. EDIT You will also have to enable UseConcMarkSweepGC thanks to Sam Hasler . See this answer http stackoverflow.com..

CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled vs CMSClassUnloadingEnabled


What makes hot deployment a “hard problem”?


Sun JVM to enable GC in PermGen and of classes. That is XX UseConcMarkSweepGC XX CMSClassUnloadingEnabled XX CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled Using..

How can I reduce Eclipse Ganymede's memory use?


120m XX MaxGCPauseMillis 10 XX MaxHeapFreeRatio 70 XX UseConcMarkSweepGC XX CMSIncrementalMode XX CMSIncrementalPacing See http piotrga.wordpress.com..