java Programming Glossary: slice
How can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android? for int x 0 x bmp.getWidth x for int k 0 k 3 k byte slice 0 for int b 0 b 8 b int y offset 8 k 8 b int i y bmp.getWidth.. x boolean v false if i dots.length v dots.get i slice byte v 1 0 7 b mService.write slice offset 24 mService.write.. v dots.get i slice byte v 1 0 7 b mService.write slice offset 24 mService.write PrinterCommands.FEED_LINE mService.write..
How to ensure Java threads run on different cores class which extends Thread . Notice that they way I use slice and extra to calculate myLowBound and myHiBound ensure that.. 0 w 0 for int i 0 i totalItems i dynProgMatrix i 0 0 slice Math.max 1 int Math.floor double dynProgMatrix 0 .length threads.length.. myLowBound int myHiBound if myRank extra myLowBound myRank slice 1 myHiBound myLowBound slice else myLowBound myRank slice extra..
Best practices for using Markers in SLF4J/Logback if you will rather than slicing . For example you might slice based on a particular user but filter based on any unexpected.. to decide which dimensions you expect may be useful to slice the log data by and which cases it might be useful to filter..
What strategy do you use for package naming in Java projects and why? package and a .orm package. Your packages are horizontal slices rather than vertical. This is much more common than logical.. and putting every class that has to do with that vertical slice of functionality into that package. I have never seen or heard.. seems like you lose a lot of this by having a vertical slice of your system's features split across multiple packages. I..
Can multiple threads see writes on a direct mapped ByteBuffer in Java? say it's 2gb manager calls duplicate position limit and slice on B_all to create a new smaller ByteBuffer B_1 that a chunk..