java Programming Glossary: sits
Is it possible to specify which network interface for a JVM ( or IDE ) to use is being accessed. There is no way for an application that sits above the NIC drivers to select a specific NIC. You can only..
Understanding JSF as a MVC framework the model but practically it's a plumbing element that sits in the middle of the Model View and Controller. Because it performs..
Scala as the new Java? time. I have to say that so far I'm very impressed. Scala sits on top of the JVM seamlessly integrates with existing Java code..
Change screen resolution in Java from different software packages i.e. my software package sits above where the images need to come from and is minimized when..
What is the 'best' way to do distributed transactions across multiple databases using Spring and Hibernate Hibernate I have an application more like a utility that sits in a corner and updates two different databases periodically...
JTable model listener detects inserted rows too soon (before they are drawn) which can have rows dynamically added by the user. It sits in a JScrollPane so as the number of rows gets large enough..
Java AWT/SWT/Swing: How to plan a GUI? and also within the 2D array that DefaultTableModel sits on. Instead simply subclass AbstractTableModel It's very easy..
Get Web App root from Spring Controller to the filesystem. I have a directory called audio which sits in the root of my web application not inside WEB INF but beside..
How to configure log4j with a properties file The file sits in the same directory when I open the Jar. Yet I get this error..
how can i unmarshall in jaxb and enjoy the schema validation without using an explicit schema file validate jaxb without needing to create a schema file that sits in my computer Do I need to create a schema for validation it..
Java -Check if file is in print Queue / In Use the File Optional Deletes the File Optional My problem sits between stages 2 3 I need to wait for the file to finish printing..
Android - Calling a method in one activity from another, without starting new activity we'll call it Listener1Activity which is the activity that sits in the first tab ... this is because Listener1Activity will..
Properly closing SSLSocket the way SSL TLS works and because an SSLSocket effectively sits on top of a normal Socket there cannot be an exact mapping of..
Java seems to ignore -Xms and -Xmx options classes and the perm gen space set via XX MaxPermSize 128m sits outside of that value too. Think of your heap allocation as..
Drawing between 2 images in 1 JPanel you'll need to make use of the Glass Pane . The Glass Pane sits on top of everything in the JRootPane and fills the entire view...