java Programming Glossary: size.width
AffineTransform.rotate() - how do I xlate, rotate, and scale at the same time? masterHeight 2.0 break renderedImage new BufferedImage size.width size.height masterImage.getTransparency Graphics2D g2d renderedImage.createGraphics..
Change the angle/position of a drawing with a algorithm in Java masterHeight 2.0 break renderedImage new BufferedImage size.width size.height masterImage.getTransparency Graphics2D g2d renderedImage.createGraphics..
Java Bouncing Ball int y random height Dimension size ball.getSize if x size.width width x width size.width if y size.height height y height.. size ball.getSize if x size.width width x width size.width if y size.height height y height size.height ball.setLocation.. vx speed.x int vy speed.y int x p.x int y p.y if x vx 0 x size.width vx getParent .getWidth vx 1 if y vy 0 y size.height vy getParent..
Java ball object doesn't bounce off of drawn rectangles like it's supposed to. 48 new Dimension beachBall.getWidth beachBall.getHeight size.width 4 size.height 4 return size @Override protected void paintComponent..
Custom button not working on mac (ButtonUI) graphics.setColor getSelectColor graphics.fillRect 0 0 size.width size.height public Dimension getMinimumSize JComponent component..
animate JPanel (slide in) with timer size getPreferredSize Rectangle from new Rectangle size.width size.height 50 2 50 50 Rectangle to new Rectangle size.width.. size.height 50 2 50 50 Rectangle to new Rectangle size.width 50 2 size.height 50 2 50 50 Animate animate new Animate panel.. size new Dimension if startSize null targetSize null size.width calculateProgress startSize.width targetSize.width progress..
Painted content invisible while resizing in Java g Dimension size this.getSize int d Math.min size.width size.height 10 int x size.width d 2 int y size.height d 2 g.fillOval.. int d Math.min size.width size.height 10 int x size.width d 2 int y size.height d 2 g.fillOval x y d d g.setColor
AWT custom rendering - capture smooth resizes and eliminate resize flicker if draw null return draw.setPaintMode int w int double size.width 2 0.5 int h int double size.height 2 0.5 draw.setColor Color.YELLOW..
Printing a large Swing component BufferedImage image new BufferedImage size.width size.height BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB Graphics2D g2d image.createGraphics..
make a button round rather than an oval. Dimension size getPreferredSize size.width size.height Math.max size.width size.height setPreferredSize.. size getPreferredSize size.width size.height Math.max size.width size.height setPreferredSize size This call causes the JButton..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails and size for Camera.Size size sizes double ratio double size.width size.height double downsize double size.width w if downsize.. ratio double size.width size.height double downsize double size.width w if downsize MAX_DOWNSIZE if the preview is a lot larger than.. for Camera.Size size sizes double downsize double size.width w if downsize MAX_DOWNSIZE continue if Math.abs size.height..