java Programming Glossary: sink
Add listener to SpanElement my text to add event listener directly to element Event.sinkEvents span Event.ONCLICK Event.setEventListener span new EventListener.. the proper event you should check event type when you sink more than one Event type this time it's overhead as we sinked.. more than one Event type this time it's overhead as we sinked only CLICK event's bit . And as to sinking this initializes..
Port to Service Name in Java? to Service mappings echo 7 tcp echo 7 udp discard 9 tcp sink null discard 9 udp sink null systat 11 tcp users #Active users.. 7 tcp echo 7 udp discard 9 tcp sink null discard 9 udp sink null systat 11 tcp users #Active users systat 11 udp users..
Why doesn't more Java code use PipedInputStream / PipedOutputStream? source new PipedOutputStream PipedInputStream sink new PipedInputStream source ... executor.execute new Runnable.. e post.setRequestEntity new InputStreamRequestEntity sink int status httpClient.executeMethod post That code uses a Unix..
How to prepend to a file (add at the top) prepend to a file add at the top Imagine you have a file sink example.txt data.frame a runif 10 b runif 10 c runif 10 sink.. example.txt data.frame a runif 10 b runif 10 c runif 10 sink and would want to add some header information like created on..
capture live video from webcam using java [closed] import import import javax.swing.JButton import javax.swing.JOptionPane Records.. get the output of the processor to be used as the datasink input DataSource source processor.getDataOutput create a File.. new MediaLocator file saveFileTo create a datasink to create the video file dataSink Manager.createDataSink source..
Is there a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) data type in Java, and should I use it? there could be a single source LRU connected to multiple sink LRUs. There are no cycles in a power stream. The inclusion of..