java Programming Glossary: slowtests
How to run all tests belonging to a certain Category in JUnit 4 run like this @RunWith Categories.class @IncludeCategory SlowTests.class @SuiteClasses A.class B.class Note that Categories is.. not A.a Does anyone know how I could run all the tests in SlowTests category It seems that you must have the SuiteClasses annotation..... this @RunWith Categories.class @Categories.IncludeCategory SlowTests.class @Suite.SuiteClasses AllTests.class public class SlowTestSuite..
How to run junit tests by category in maven plugin For example I have @Test public void a @Category SlowTests.class @Test public void b And I'd like to run all non slow tests.. was made up by me... . mvn test Dtest.categories SlowTests run non slow tests mvn test Dtest.categories SlowTests run only.. SlowTests run non slow tests mvn test Dtest.categories SlowTests run only slow tests mvn test Dtest.categories SlowTests FastTests..