java Programming Glossary: slope
Update graph with JFreeChart and slider double H.length double dX op.getPipeLength H.length double slope op.getPipeSlope double el op.getPipeUSElev for int i 0 i H.length.. for int i 0 i H.length i l i dX i p i el dX slope i double dataH new double 2 H.length dataH 0 l dataH 1 H double.. double H.length double dX op.getPipeLength H.length double slope op.getPipeSlope double el op.getPipeUSElev for int i 0 i H.length..
Why does the Sun JVM continue to consume ever more RSS memory even when the heap, etc sizes are stable? timer will the problem magically go away Why was the RSS slope so regular It does not correlate to any of the application load..
how to choose the jvm heap size? set the heap minimum whereas I would use the peak or slope of the sawteeth to experiment with a heap maximum. If your teeth..
Calculating the angle between two lines without having to calculate the slope? (Java) angle between two lines without having to calculate the slope Java I have two Lines L1 and L2. I want to calculate the angle.. between these two lines without having to calculate the slopes The problem I am currently having is that sometimes I have.. exception arctan m1 m2 1 m1 m2 where m1 and m2 are the slopes of line 1 and line 2 respectively. Is there a formula algorithm..
How would I create a JFreeChart scatterplot best fit line library such as Apache Commons Math to determine the slope and intercept of such a line using simple regression. Add your..