

java Programming Glossary: size.height

AffineTransform.rotate() - how do I xlate, rotate, and scale at the same time?


2.0 break renderedImage new BufferedImage size.width size.height masterImage.getTransparency Graphics2D g2d renderedImage.createGraphics..

Java Bouncing Ball


if x size.width width x width size.width if y size.height height y height size.height ball.setLocation new Point x.. x width size.width if y size.height height y height size.height ball.setLocation new Point x y while getParent .isVisible.. 0 x size.width vx getParent .getWidth vx 1 if y vy 0 y size.height vy getParent .getHeight vy 1 x vx y vy ball.setSpeed new Point..

Java ball object doesn't bounce off of drawn rectangles like it's supposed to.


beachBall.getWidth beachBall.getHeight size.width 4 size.height 4 return size @Override protected void paintComponent Graphics..

Custom button not working on mac (ButtonUI)


getSelectColor graphics.fillRect 0 0 size.width size.height public Dimension getMinimumSize JComponent component final..

animate JPanel (slide in) with timer


getPreferredSize Rectangle from new Rectangle size.width size.height 50 2 50 50 Rectangle to new Rectangle size.width 50 2 size.height.. 50 2 50 50 Rectangle to new Rectangle size.width 50 2 size.height 50 2 50 50 Animate animate new Animate panel from to animate.start.. startSize.width targetSize.width progress size.height calculateProgress startSize.height targetSize.height progress..

Painted content invisible while resizing in Java


g Dimension size this.getSize int d Math.min size.width size.height 10 int x size.width d 2 int y size.height d 2 g.fillOval x y.. size.width size.height 10 int x size.width d 2 int y size.height d 2 g.fillOval x y d d g.setColor Color.blue g.drawOval x y..

Printing a large Swing component


BufferedImage image new BufferedImage size.width size.height BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB Graphics2D g2d image.createGraphics..

Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails


for Camera.Size size sizes double ratio double size.width size.height double downsize double size.width w if downsize MAX_DOWNSIZE.. ratio targetRatio ASPECT_TOLERANCE continue if Math.abs size.height targetHeight minDiff optimalSize size minDiff Math.abs size.height.. targetHeight minDiff optimalSize size minDiff Math.abs size.height targetHeight Cannot find the one match the aspect ratio ignore..