java Programming Glossary: packed
Program to find all primes in a very large given range of integers i return sievedPrimes Using a BitSet or any other type of packed flag array would reduce the memory usage and thus may give a..
best way to pick a random subset from a collection? that would be Vol 3 Sorting and Searching but my set is packed pending a move of house so I can't formally check that. share..
IntelliJ Idea not generate id in is for using by IDE only. It is NOT the R class actually packed into APK public final class R java android compilation intellij..
Java f) reference file within JAR? or Make the application able to address files that are packed in a .jar or .zip file. Usually 2 is not really an option unless..
.war vs .ear file java beans class files and EJB deployment descriptor are packed as JAR files with .jar extenstion WAR Web modules which contains..
Convert Mainframe Binary to Ascii Using any Open Source Code or Tool information to ASCII file by keeping in mind regarding the packed and zoned decimal format using any Java API or Open source tool..
Is it possible to create an “uber” jar containing the project classes and the project dependencies as jars with a custom manifest file? and the class path entry that points to the dependencies packed in the root of the jar something like this Manifest File ....... plugin to create the uber jar but the dependencies are unpacked and added as classes to my jar. java maven 2 build process..
Which maven dependencies to include for spring 3.0? dependency But now I am kinda confused as there is no full packed spring module for version 3.0 anymore. I tried the following..
How to bundle images in jar file images test.jpg true When you run the code packed into the jar you get something like this bash 3.2 pwd export.. JavaApplication2 images test.jpg When you run the code packed into the jar you will get something like this bash 3.2 pwd export..
Size of a byte in memory - Java here but the point is that the byte fields appear to be packed in for LotsOfBytes such that it takes after overhead removal..
Lightest Database to be packed with an application Database to be packed with an application I am developing a Java Desktop Application.. database that can be used with Hibernate and that can be packed with an application. I was going to use Derby database. It's..
Where to put a textfile I want to use in eclipse? of you application that usually implies that it's packed inside you jar or war if a web app typically it's some configuration..
How can my Java program store files inside of its .jar file? is how can I store data actual files not just strings packed inside my program I want to do this within my Java code. The..
What are the big improvements between guava and apache equivalent libraries? compact API. Simply look at the MapMaker to see the power packed inside a simple builder. Other good albeit simpler examples..
Fastest XML parser for small, simple documents in Java of arbitrary XPaths but also extracting lists of values packed as children of a predefined node. Edit 3 In any case I eventually..
JAX-RS Frameworks [closed] improve this question FWIW we're using Jersey as its packed full of features e.g. WADL implicit views XML JSON Atom support..
Calculating and printing the nth prime number reduced to about 15 seconds here YMMV by storing the flags packed one bit per flag instead of as boolean s since the reduced memory..