java Programming Glossary: packagename
Prevent suffix from being added to resources when page loads be at this last line 975 where the error happens String packageName componentResource.getLibraryName String className componentResource.getResourceName.. className componentResource.getResourceName className packageName '.' className.substring 0 className.lastIndexOf '.' Meaning..
Getting all Classes from a Package assuming that classes are not JAR packaged Prepare. String packageName com.example.commands List Class ICommand commands new ArrayList.. Thread.currentThread .getContextClassLoader .getResource packageName.replace . Filter .class files. File files new File root.getFile.. file.getName .replaceAll .class Class cls Class.forName packageName . className if ICommand.class.isAssignableFrom cls commands.add..
Steps in creating a web service using Axis2 - The client code Write my Java class with actual business logic package packageNamel public class Hello public void World String name SOP Hello.. the Hello.aar with following dir structure Hello.aar packageName Hello.class META INF services.xml MANIFEST.MF Hello.WSDL Now..
Listing the files in a directory of the current JAR file static List getClassesFromJARFile String jar String packageName throws Error final List classes new ArrayList JarInputStream.. ' jar ' ioe if jarEntry null extractClassFromJar jar packageName classes jarEntry while jarEntry null closeJarFile jarFile catch.. void extractClassFromJar final String jar final String packageName final List classes JarEntry jarEntry throws Error String className..
Simplest way to print an array in Java
Class loading isolation issue (or How to use JPA2 on JBoss 5.x ?) enabled public void setPackageAssertionStatus String packageName boolean enabled realClassLoader.setPackageAssertionStatus packageName.. boolean enabled realClassLoader.setPackageAssertionStatus packageName enabled public String toString return realClassLoader.toString..
How to find annotated methods in a given package? which belong to the given package and subpackages. @param packageName The base package @return The classes @throws ClassNotFoundException.. IOException private Iterable Class getClasses String packageName throws ClassNotFoundException IOException ClassLoader classLoader.. Thread.currentThread .getContextClassLoader String path packageName.replace '.' ' ' Enumeration URL resources classLoader.getResources..