java Programming Glossary: packages
Reading my own Jar's Manifest .jar which started the Felix OSGi so I can expose those packages to Felix. Any ideas java osgi apache felix share..
What is the difference between NoClassDefFoundError and ClassNotFoundException? through webstart. Possible reasons I have come across packages not included in build.xml for the client side of code runtime..
Why should I use the Oracle JDK over the OpenJDK, or vice-versa? [closed] than with Sun JDK as the former is moving faster . Some packages will require OpenJDK though even if Oracle JDK is installed..
Compiling a java program into an exe [duplicate] has Windows Vista support and also helps to create MSI packages in other languages. Download http
calling non-static method in static method in Java in another static method The two methods are in seperate packages and seperate classes . java static non static share improve..
Why filename in java should be same as class name? choice. They did this in quite a few places. Filenames and packages for sure but also not allowing multiple public classes in a..
How to limit setAccessible to only “legitimate” uses? could however disallow classes from referencing certain packages completely with or without reflection. Can I write my classes..
Netbeans GUI editor generating its own incomprehensible code RECOGNISE AT ALL as what i had learnt in swing. It imports packages such as org.jdesktop.application.SingleFrameApplication also..
Avoiding “!= null” statements in Java? enable and disable assertions for individual classes and packages. This means that you can validate code with the assertions while..
Why must wait() always be in synchronized block
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] good graphing packages for Android closed With Android removing the Swing and AWT.. There is a Google specific 2D library. Are there any packages built atop it that allows for the easy creation of graphical..
Decode Base64 data in Java controversial answer I'd ever post I do know that sun. packages are not supported or guaranteed to continue existing and I do..
Can you find all classes in a package using reflection? at e.g. Package it would seem like no. java reflection packages share improve this question Due to the dynamic nature of..
MouseMotionListener in Java Swing, using it with components inside components etc deadline and don't have time to Touch screen specific GUI packages if there are any . I want my users to be able to 'swipe' their..
Difference between <context:annotation-config> vs <context:component-scan> config does but context component scan also scans packages to find and register beans within the application context. I'll..
Barcode Scanner implementation on Java the files javax.comm does not come standard with most java packages . I'm sure there are other scanner models around that have serial..
What Java XML library do you recommend (to replace dom4j)? than it is when using pure JDK javax.xml and org.w3c.dom packages . Things like this Read an XML document from file or String..
Installing IDEA on Ubuntu 11.10 part is that Oracle JDK is no longer distributed via .deb packages and you can't just install it with apt get or Ubuntu Software..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method if that is correct. This has caused problems because the packages are not named similarly and some methods too. I just need documentation..
Application is using Java 6 from Apple instead of Java 7 from Oracle on Mac OS X? by Apple which only works for Apple's Java 6 System Packages. Apple has given up support for Java as an integrated System.. has given up support for Java as an integrated System Packages from Java 7 and later. As a consequence you have to go for the.. in Info.plist is only working with Apple's Java 6 System Packages and the JavaAppLauncher Info.plist combination coming from Oracle..
Is there a way to simulate the C++ 'friend' concept in Java? friend was a mistake because it violates OOP principles. Packages provide a reasonable way to organize components without being..
import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.* Why Developers Should Not Write Programs That Call 'sun' Packages . What does your program do Does it just try to read or write..
Java project structure explained for newbies? a good reason why package names are all lower case Can Packages have 'circular dependencies' In other words can Package.A use..
Java BufferedReader back to the top of a text file? I don't think I should have to bother with. Ideas Packages Libs Code Thanks TJ java file file io text files bufferedinputstream..
getResourceAsStream() is always returning null TheProject Web Pages WEB INF abc.txt index.jsp Source Packages wservices In I am using the following code in..
what is the convention for word separator in java package names? what the official naming conventions document prescribes Packages The prefix of a unique package name is always written in all..
simple HTTP server in Java using only Java SE API Why Developers Should Not Write Programs That Call 'sun' Packages . That FAQ concerns the sun. package such as sun.misc.BASE64Encoder..
How to install the Sun Java JDK on Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)? . Update 2010 09 27 Readers might want to check Sun Java6 Packages updated . I still expect official packages to be available in..
Java : Expose only a single package in a jar file one thing you might be able to do is this source Super Packages in Java 7.0 superpackage com.myorg.myApp.model member package..
Java Scientific Packages similar to SciPy? [closed] Scientific Packages similar to SciPy closed I've been looking around the internet..
How Do I Document Packages in Java? Do I Document Packages in Java In the Java APIs I can see Javadoc comments for packages...
Recommendations for Handwriting Recognition Libraries/Packages in Java for Handwriting Recognition Libraries Packages in Java Finding a good Handwriting recognition library in Java..
Difference between namespace in C# and package in Java http javavscsharp namespace.html Java Packages are used to organize files or public types to avoid type conflicts...