java Programming Glossary: offs
How to choose the id generation strategy when using hibernate with this choice. I want to be educated about the trade offs. Is there any literature available java hibernate jpa uniqueidentifier..
How many hardware details can a Java Applet Discover? I can alter the balance of some time memory trade offs. Being able to discover the exact make and model of the CPU..
java.sql.SQLException: - ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded a plugin for Eclipse but it also runs standalone for one offs has integrations into Jenkins CI and other build tools At runtime..
JTextField limiting character amount input and accepting numeric only toUppercase upper @Override public void insertString int offset String str AttributeSet attr throws BadLocationException if.. if toUppercase str str.toUpperCase super.insertString offset str attr can be implemented by txtSample.setDocument new.. allowNegative @Override public void insertString int offset String str AttributeSet attr throws BadLocationException if..
Limit the Characters in the text field using document listner maxChars public void insertString FilterBypass fb int offs String str AttributeSet a throws BadLocationException if fb.getDocument.. .getLength str.length maxCharacters super.insertString fb offs str a else Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit .beep public void replace.. .beep public void replace FilterBypass fb int offs int length String str AttributeSet a throws BadLocationException..
Why GWT? Advantages and Trade-Offs of Using This RIA Framework javascript ajax gwt share improve this question Trade offs Let's start with all the trade offs I can come up with you're.. this question Trade offs Let's start with all the trade offs I can come up with you're using Java it means that your webdevs'.. samples common sense suggest That's all for the trade offs I can think of if anyone wants to add something please add comments...
How to deal with Python ~ static typing? [closed] which have much better type systems for which the trade offs are much less clear. For example here is the most stupid language..
Authenticating against Active Directory with Java on Linux to be removed. Note that there are number of spin offs that use JCIFS to implement the same technique. So if you see..
Java's Virtual Machine and CLR which is the preferably strategy though. Both have trade offs. The HotSpot JIT compiler for the JVM can use a simpler code..
How to limit JTextArea max Rows and Coloums? maxCharacters maxLines public void insertString int offs String str AttributeSet attribute throws BadLocationException.. lineCount root.getElementCount maxLines super.insertString offs str attribute else Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit .beep get Line.. this.maxLines maxLines public void insertString int offs String str AttributeSet attribute throws BadLocationException..
What are advantages of bytecode over native code? [closed] when considering byte code vs native consider which trade offs you want to make between portability security size and execution..
Anonymous vs named inner classes? - best practices? for clarity if you use anonymous inner classes for one offs and named inner classes when it's used multiple times within..