java Programming Glossary: okbutton
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? this dialog.setContentView R.layout.dialog_generic Button okButton Button dialog.findViewById TextView titleTv.. Handle button click okButton.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View..
Initialize variable with constructor in it's constructor and after edit it When i click to okButton it send newName to my first Class. My second Class public class.. public void actionPerformed ActionEvent e if e.getSource okButton newName tf.getText tf is JTextfield new RecordTableGUI newName.. public void actionPerformed ActionEvent e if e.getSource okButton newName tf.getText recordtablegui.setNewName newName this.dispose..
Set margins in a LinearLayout programmatically layoutParams.setMargins 30 20 30 0 Button okButton new Button this okButton.setText some text ll.addView okButton.. 30 20 30 0 Button okButton new Button this okButton.setText some text ll.addView okButton layoutParams share improve..
Passing values between JFrames private JTextField field new JTextField 10 private JButton okButton new JButton OK public MyDialogPanel okButton.addActionListener.. JButton okButton new JButton OK public MyDialogPanel okButton.addActionListener new ActionListener public void actionPerformed.. ActionListener public void actionPerformed ActionEvent e okButtonAction add field add okButton to allow outside classes to get..