java Programming Glossary: offset
How to handle calendar TimeZones using Java? GMT long msFromEpochGmt date.getTime gives you the current offset in ms from GMT at the current date int offsetFromUTC tz.getOffset.. the current offset in ms from GMT at the current date int offsetFromUTC tz.getOffset msFromEpochGmt log.debug offset is offsetFromUTC.. int offsetFromUTC tz.getOffset msFromEpochGmt log.debug offset is offsetFromUTC create a new calendar in GMT timezone set to..
Socket using in a swing applet Kind Client 100 Trying Server 500 Awaiting private int offset private String activity private Kind int offset String activity.. int offset private String activity private Kind int offset String activity this.offset offset this.activity activity .. activity private Kind int offset String activity this.offset offset this.activity activity public Echo Kind kind this.kind..
What is the purpose of the expression “new String(…)” in Java? String was public String String string value string.value offset string.offset count string.count That's right no copy of the.. String String string value string.value offset string.offset count string.count That's right no copy of the underlying array..
Playing MP3 using Java Sound API void setFramePosition int frames framePosition frames int offset framePosition format.getFrameSize try inputStream.reset try inputStream.reset new byte offset catch Exception e e.printStackTrace @Override public int getFramePosition.. public void open AudioFormat format byte data int offset int bufferSize throws LineUnavailableException byte input new..
Why is subtracting these two times (in 1927) giving a strange result? sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo id Asia Shanghai offset 28800000 dstSavings 0 useDaylight false transitions 19 lastRule.. on my Windows machine. So any time zone which has any offset other than its standard one at the start of 1900 will count..
Get a key from JTextArea @Override public void insertString FilterBypass fb int offset String string AttributeSet attr throws BadLocationException.. string string.replaceAll super.insertString fb offset string attr @Override public void replace FilterBypass fb int.. attr @Override public void replace FilterBypass fb int offset int length String text AttributeSet attrs throws BadLocationException..
JList with categories open closed public Rectangle target private final int OFFSET 30 PAD 5 public ActionPanel String text MouseListener ml this.text.. text frc float height lm.getAscent lm.getDescent float x OFFSET float y h height 2 lm.getDescent g2.drawString text x y private..
ResultSet to Pagination DB used. In MySQL and PostgreSQL it is easy with LIMIT and OFFSET clauses private static final String SQL_SUBLIST SELECT id username.. id username job place FROM contact ORDER BY id LIMIT d OFFSET d public List Contact list int firstrow int rowcount String..
HQL - row identifier for pagination a string and use the .find method. I tried using LIMIT and OFFSET in my query but HQL seems to be ignoring these keywords and.. with ROWNUM X. on postgresql it will issue a LIMIT OFFSET on msSQL server it will issue a TOP.. to my knowledge it is..
paintComponent () never executes on a JFrame public void run private void moveSquare int x int y int OFFSET 1 if squareX x squareY y repaint squareX squareY squareW OFFSET.. 1 if squareX x squareY y repaint squareX squareY squareW OFFSET squareH OFFSET squareX x squareY y repaint squareX squareY squareW.. squareY y repaint squareX squareY squareW OFFSET squareH OFFSET squareX x squareY y repaint squareX squareY squareW OFFSET squareH..