java Programming Glossary: offsets
Java native method source code THROW vmSymbols java_lang_ArrayStoreException Check is all offsets and lengths are non negative if src_pos 0 dst_pos 0 length 0..
how to read mp3 file tags of an MP3. The Tag has got the following fields and the offsets given here are from 0 127. Field Length Offsets Tag 3 0 2 Songname..
java / pdf text rendering is quite handy allowing a mixed array of Strings and offsets as parameter. If you want to substitute some characters by e.g...
Why is the maximum size of the Java heap fixed? a bunch of side data structures that are indexed by scaled offsets from the start of the heap. For example we track object reference..
How to highlight part of a JLabel? endOfHighlight You may also need to account for some offsets here int startX metrics.stringWidth start int startY 0 You probably..
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Number of scaling constants does not equal the number of of color or color/alpha components makes the image 50 opaque float scales 1f 1f 1f 1f float offsets new float 4 RescaleOp rop new RescaleOp scales offsets null.. offsets new float 4 RescaleOp rop new RescaleOp scales offsets null Draw the image applying the filter g2d.drawImage bi rop.. ImageObserver imageObserver float scales 1f 1f 1f 1f float offsets new float 4 RescaleOp rop int width int height public ImageTest..
How to setSize of image using RescaleOp bi private float scales 1f 1f 1f 0.5f private float offsets new float 4 private RescaleOp rop public AlphaPanel ImageIcon.. 0 0 width height null rop new RescaleOp scales offsets null @Override public void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent..
MessageFormat header/footerFormat how to change Font for JTable printing Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D graphics.create calculate the offsets and wrap the pageFormat double headerOffset calculateHeaderHeight..
Convert Date/Time for given Timezone - java If you have your UTC offset better to work in UTC than GMT offsets you can calculate the time in milliseconds and add that to your..
How can I read from a Winzip self-extracting (exe) zip file in Java? a Central Directory Index that lists all entries and their offsets in the file. The bad thing is the classes ignore.. extracing ZIP archive without further ado and give you the offsets so you could either use that code to find the first LFH after.. for their game assets. The interesting parts to get the offsets from a ZIP file are in Indexer.parseZipFile which returns a..