java Programming Glossary: lng
How to put JSON lOutput (latitude and longitude) on the map double lat Double.parseDouble coordinates 0 double lng Double.parseDouble coordinates 1 p new GeoPoint int lat 1E6.. coordinates 1 p new GeoPoint int lat 1E6 int lng 1E6 mc.animateTo p mc.setZoom 14 mapView.invalidate tambah marker..
Google Maps Android api v2 and current location Location location double lat location.getLatitude double lng location.getLongitude Toast.makeText this Location lat lng .. lng location.getLongitude Toast.makeText this Location lat lng Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show LatLng coordinate new LatLng lat lng.. Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show LatLng coordinate new LatLng lat lng Toast.makeText this Location coordinate.latitude coordinate.longitude..
Problem unmarshalling parcelables protected String dir protected double lat protected double lng public LocationType public int getLocid return locid public.. double value value public double getLng return lng public void setLng double value this.lng value for implementing.. getLng return lng public void setLng double value this.lng value for implementing Parcelable @Override public int..
Get Map address or Location Address in Android double lat Double.parseDouble coordinates 0 double lng Double.parseDouble coordinates 1 p new GeoPoint int lat 1E6.. coordinates 1 p new GeoPoint int lat 1E6 int lng 1E6 mc.animateTo p mc.setZoom 17 myMapView.invalidate private.. point double lat location.getLatitude double lng location.getLongitude latLongString Lat lat nLong lng Geocoder..
android get and parse Google Directions GeoPoint int index 0 len encoded.length int lat 0 lng 0 while index len int b shift 0 result 0 do b encoded.charAt.. index 63 result b 0x1f shift shift 5 while b 0x20 int dlng result 1 0 ~ result 1 result 1 lng dlng GeoPoint p new GeoPoint.. 5 while b 0x20 int dlng result 1 0 ~ result 1 result 1 lng dlng GeoPoint p new GeoPoint int double lat 1E5 1E6 int double..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) about the subject. The thing is I have data with lat and lng stored in my SQLite database and I want to get the nearest locations.. to the parameters I put in ex. my current location lat lng . I know that this is possible in MySql and I've done quite.. to make 4 new columns for cos and sin values of lat and lng but is there any other not so redundant way java android sqlite..