java Programming Glossary: lists.newarraylist
Why implicit type inference only works in an assignment? variable. Example from Google Collection List String l Lists.newArrayList My question is why it doesn't work for a method or higher type.. or higher type of inference Example List List String ll Lists.newArrayList ll.put Lists.newArrayList doesn't work Is this specified in.. Example List List String ll Lists.newArrayList ll.put Lists.newArrayList doesn't work Is this specified in the JLS If yes why If no then..
Changing the default XML namespace prefix generated with JAXWS PortInfo portInfo List Handler handlerChain Lists.newArrayList Handler soapHandler new MySoapHandler String bindingID portInfo.getBindingID..
Combine multiple Collections into a single logical Collection? using a live view Sample Code final List Integer first Lists.newArrayList 1 2 3 final List Integer second Lists.newArrayList 4 5 6 final.. first Lists.newArrayList 1 2 3 final List Integer second Lists.newArrayList 4 5 6 final List Integer third Lists.newArrayList 7 8 9 final.. second Lists.newArrayList 4 5 6 final List Integer third Lists.newArrayList 7 8 9 final Iterable Integer all Iterables.unmodifiableIterable..
How to customize parameter names when binding spring mvc command objects if resolvers null resolvers Lists.newArrayList resolvers.add new AnnotationServletModelAttributeResolver false..