java Programming Glossary: listtype
Deserializing json array using gson for serializing and deserialing a ParameterizedType Type listType new TypeToken LinkedList .getType List target new LinkedList.. blah Gson gson new Gson String json gson.toJson target listType List target2 gson.fromJson json listType Knowing that Type typeOfCollectionOfFoo.. target listType List target2 gson.fromJson json listType Knowing that Type typeOfCollectionOfFoo new TypeToken Collection..
Using a generic type with Gson MM dd yy HH mm ss Gson gson builder.create Type listType new TypeToken clazz .getType compiler error return gson.fromJson.. .getType compiler error return gson.fromJson jsonString listType java json generics gson share improve this question The..
Google Gson - deserialize list<class> object? (generic type) find it Thanks in advance jellyfish Edit Now I have Type listType new TypeToken List MyClass .getType MyClass mc new Gson .fromJson.. MyClass .getType MyClass mc new Gson .fromJson result listType However I do get the following exception at the fromJson line.. JsonParseExceptions and result is not null. I checked listType with the debugger and got the following list Type args ListOfTypes..