java Programming Glossary: jdesktoppane
using JInternalFrame and some JButton we use a JInternalFame with a button into the main fram by JDesktopPane of corz the button that open up the JInternalFame how thks .. I don't know a way to put a JButton directly on a JDesktopPane but you can use menu items to create and select a JInternalFame.. it is technically possible to put a JButton directly on a JDesktopPane but it might prove difficult to use in practice. share improve..
CubicCurve2D connecting two JInternalFrame instances is visible to the user. Drawing to and then repainting JDesktopPane.getGraphics doesn't seem to do anything. If possible I would.. import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent import javax.swing.JDesktopPane import javax.swing.JFrame import javax.swing.JInternalFrame.. questions 3951383 public class JDPTest extends JDesktopPane private static final Stroke s new BasicStroke 4.0f private MyFrame..
IDE-Style program running program uses into JInternalFrame s and place them in a JDesktopPane java share improve this question If you don't want the..
Java method works on windows but not Macintosh? import javax.swing.JButton import javax.swing.JDesktopPane import javax.swing.JFrame import javax.swing.JInternalFrame.. InternalFrame private static final int DELTA 40 private JDesktopPane desktop new JDesktopPane private int offset DELTA public InternalFrame.. static final int DELTA 40 private JDesktopPane desktop new JDesktopPane private int offset DELTA public InternalFrame JFrame f new JFrame..
Working with 2 or more frames collapse a variety of content panes into a single frame. JDesktopPane JInternalFames Tut. . JSplitPane Tut. . JTabbedPane Tut. . JLayeredPane..
How do I set hard limit on a JComponent when setMaximumSize() and setPrefferedSize() don't work? into problems. Right now I have a JFrame window with a JDesktopPane. When I click a button a JInternalFrame is made with the following.. static fooFrame frame JLabel fooLabel public fooFrame JDesktopPane background new JDesktopPane JInternalFrame internalFrame new.. fooLabel public fooFrame JDesktopPane background new JDesktopPane JInternalFrame internalFrame new JInternalFrame Internal Frame..
How can I fix this code so I can add this JFreeChart to a panel to the JInternalFrame . Add the JInternalFrame to a JDesktopPane . See How to Use Internal Frames for more. Addendum For example.. For example import java.awt.EventQueue import javax.swing.JDesktopPane import javax.swing.JFrame import javax.swing.JInternalFrame.. true true true jif.add cp jif.pack jif.setVisible true JDesktopPane dtp new JDesktopPane dtp.add jif f.add dtp f.pack f.setSize..
Minimizing Jinternal Frame without clicking the button private static final long serialVersionUID 1L public JDesktopPane desktop public InternalFrameUnMovable desktop new JDesktopPane.. desktop public InternalFrameUnMovable desktop new JDesktopPane getContentPane .add desktop desktop.add createInternalFrame..
The Use of Multiple JFrames, Good/Bad Practice? between no component and visible component. JInternalFrame JDesktopPane typically used for an MDI . JTabbedPane for groups of components...