

java Programming Glossary: jboss_home

ejb lookup failing with NamingException


void doSomething Nothing else In JBoss put jar file in JBOSS_HOME server default deploy In Sun Application Server access after.. war PROJECT Add our project created just above and add JBOSS_HOME client contains jar files in order to access our EJB's . Again..

Where to put a shared library in JBoss AS 5?


conf jboss service.xml server Load all jars from the JBOSS_HOME server config lib directory and the shared JBOSS_HOME common.. the JBOSS_HOME server config lib directory and the shared JBOSS_HOME common lib directory. This can be restricted to specific jars..

XPath class resolution in JBoss5


like a triple whammie Sun JDK file rt.jar JBoss libraries JBOSS_HOME lib endorsed stax api.jar and Axis2 deployed libraries JBOSS_HOME.. lib endorsed stax api.jar and Axis2 deployed libraries JBOSS_HOME server deploy MyProject.ear MyProject.war WEB INF lib axis2..

Error while running Java service wrapper for JBoss AS 7


OG_HOME bin wrapper 3.2.3.jar wrapper.java.classpath.2 JBOSS_HOME modules org jboss as server main jboss as server 7.1.0.Final.jar.. jboss as server 7.1.0.Final.jar wrapper.java.classpath.3 JBOSS_HOME modules org jboss logmanager main jboss logmanager 1.2.2.GA.jar.. jboss logmanager 1.2.2.GA.jar wrapper.java.classpath.4 JBOSS_HOME modules org jboss stdio main jboss stdio 1.0.1.GA.jar wrapper.java.classpath.5..