java Programming Glossary: jc
How can I set the priority mouse listener me.getSource droppedComponent.setCursor null JComponent jc findDroppableUnderGlassPane me.getPoint container.getContentPane.. container.getContentPane Component me.getSource if jc null glassPane.removeAll glassPane.revalidate glassPane.repaint.. glassPane.revalidate glassPane.repaint jc.add droppedComponent System.out.println Removed from glasspane..
What's the issue with creating a generic array? [duplicate]
Define Spring JAXB namespaces without using NamespacePrefixMapper void main String args throws JAXBException JAXBContext jc JAXBContext.newInstance RootElement.class RootElement re new.. new ChildElementWithXlink Marshaller marshaller jc.createMarshaller marshaller.setProperty Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT.. void main String args throws JAXBException JAXBContext jc JAXBContext.newInstance RootElement.class System.out.println..
Using JAXB to cross reference XmlIDs from two XML files static void main String args throws Exception JAXBContext jc JAXBContext.newInstance Network.class NetworkInputs.class File.. networkXML new File Network.xml Unmarshaller unmarshaller jc.createUnmarshaller Network network Network unmarshaller.unmarshal.. new File NetworkInputs.xml Unmarshaller unmarshaller2 jc.createUnmarshaller NodeAdapter nodeAdapter new NodeAdapter for..
refreshing background color for a row in jtable comp super.prepareRenderer renderer row column JComponent jc JComponent comp for Custom JComponent if isRowSelected row..
JTable row hightlighter based on value from TableCell c super.prepareRenderer renderer row column JComponent jc JComponent c if isRowSelected row c.setBackground getBackground.. c super.prepareRenderer renderer row column JComponent jc JComponent c if isRowSelected row return c Object value table.getValueAt.. c super.prepareRenderer renderer row column JComponent jc JComponent c if isRowSelected row c.setBackground getRowBackground..