

java Programming Glossary: jca

How to verify a jar signed with jarsigner programmatically


of verifying JARs. Although these instructions are for a JCA cryptographic service provider to verify itself they should..

Java EE programmers do not write to files


restriction are usually suggested than to jump and write a JCA connector for the sake of being compliant. share improve this..

Persistence-unit as RESOURCE_LOCAL or JTA?


used for managing transactions across systems like JMS and JCA but that's fairly exotic usage for most of us. To use JTA you..

an EAR (Java EE) application which listen to a socket request


this question The right approach would be to create a JCA adapter for that. JCA adapter can be used for outbound or inbound.. right approach would be to create a JCA adapter for that. JCA adapter can be used for outbound or inbound connectivity. You're.. You're allowed to start thread or schedule work in a JCA adpater. The inbound connectivity from the JCA adapter to the..

Exception in AES decryption algorithm in java


question According to Java Cryptography Architecture JCA Reference Guide emphasis mine Cipher objects are obtained by..

Java passphrase encryption


said that I think Sun's Java Cryptography Architecture JCA Reference Guide is a good starting point. Check out the accompanying..

Error while running Java service wrapper for JBoss AS 7


org.jboss.jca.core.connectionmanager.pool.strategy.OnePool JCA PoolFiller IJ000610 Unable to fill pool javax.resource.ResourceException.. org.jboss.jca.core.connectionmanager.pool.strategy.OnePool JCA PoolFiller IJ000610 Unable to fill pool javax.resource.ResourceException..