java Programming Glossary: iinc
Fastest way to iterate in Java Method java io PrintStream.println Ljava lang String V 25 iinc 3 1 28 goto 7 31 return Now change it to use an explicit array.. Method java io PrintStream.println Ljava lang String V 17 iinc 1 1 20 goto 2 23 return There's a bit more setup code in the..
Java OutOfMemoryError strange behaviour istore_1 2 goto 12 5 iload_0 6 newarray long 8 astore_2 9 iinc 1 1 12 iload_1 13 iconst_1 14 if_icmplt 5 17 iload_0 18 newarray..
Why does this go into an infinite loop? 1 istore_1 2 iload_1 3 iconst_3 4 if_icmpge 22 7 iload_1 8 iinc 1 1 11 istore_1 12 getstatic #2 Field java lang System.out Ljava..
for loop optimization Method java io PrintStream.println Ljava lang Str ing V 28 iinc 2 1 31 goto 10 34 return public void forLoop2 Code 0 new #2.. Method java io PrintStream.println Ljava lang Str ing V 30 iinc 3 1 33 goto 17 36 return It doesn't optimize for me. java version..
Accessing Java static final ivar value through reflection Method java io PrintStream.println Ljava lang String V 84 iinc 6 1 87 goto 26 90 return static Code 0 new #8 class java lang..